1949-1950 Yearbook

Top row; Rebecca Parham, Eunice Hogan, Nlinnie Sue Cre .....s. S"r/lh Powell. Second tOw: Mrs. 5, A. BeU (sponsor), Hatt ie Bearden, Eulill/ill Hulett, Julia Ann Houser, Kothryn Yingling. Bobb Dance, Sue Christian. Bottom ro .... : leola Denham, Jimmy Cureton, Mae AM Songer, Glenavee Eubanks, Virginia Hulett. Not pictured ; Tommie Jea" Hu lett, France$ Smith. Imogene Franks, Elwando McNutt . THE L C. Club was organized in the fall of 1933 , 1M lost year Harding College was at Morrilton, ArUnsas. Miss McClu re was the sponsor until 1936. The l. C.'s have had some fine dub projects. 10 thoir years of e,istence they have placed a cabi• .. rodio in Pattie Cobb; planted the tulip bed at 1M norlh end of Pattie Cobb; placed Mrs. Hard. "', picture in the reception room of Pattie Cobb. The impressive initiation ceremony was held litho home of Sue Christian this year. Th, banquet was made so much more enjoyaWe by dandelions and forgotten songs! Strictly fir tho girls was their bunking party at Mis. S. A. W, farm north of Searcy. LAS COMPANERAS FALL OFFICERS President - - Vice- President Secretary Tre~surer JIMMIE CURETON EULALIA HULETT EUNICE HOGAN LEOLA DENHAM WINTER OFFICERS President Vice-President Secret~ry. - . _ Treclsurer REBECCA PARHAM GENE FRANKS JULIA ANN HOUSER KATHRYN YINGLING 69