1930-1931 Yearbook

J\t\ission Sludy Class , Harding College and her predecessors have been the dominating influence for the fifteen missionaries who are now working in Africa , China, and Japan . Thoughts of scarting a Mission Study Class to further such influence had been continually coursing the minds of the inte rested few, but no sta rting point had been determined until Brother Don Carlos Janes visited Harding, bringing with him his always va luable information and enthusiastic zea l for the foreign mission work. Through his many appreciated suggestions a meeting was called, in which Sherman LaNier was elected president, Lois June McGregory, secretary, and Eva Johnston, reporter. During the past six months of our work, the people, customs, traditions, and religions of Africa, China , India, Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Islands, and South America have been the subjects of study. In order co establi sh a more personal contact, each member of the class has written leeters co the various missionaries on the fields. Brother George Pepperdine has sent bulletins to aid in arousing interest, Brother Don Carlos Janes has sent pamphlets to be circu lated , and a library shelf of thirty books, accumulated during the year, has been at our disposal. In addition to ou r st udy, a visit from Brother George Benson, missionary to South China, has inspired the class to con tinue its efforts to learn more of the fields where Ch rist has not gone. This yea r the class has been permitted only one meeting each week. In the years to come, it is the hope of the entire group to have a dail y study of a similar nature conducted by one well acquainted with the foreign field. Foreign mission study h-as not been the onl y theme of our meetings. The church es around Morrilton have enjoyed the help of young preachers in their Lord' s Day worship. Some of the girls, too, have found joy in teaching Bible classes at different mission places. This class of nineteen hundred and thirty-one has not accomplished marvelous things, but its purpose will have been fulfilled if it serves as a steppi ng scone for the classes of the succeeding yea rs. I