1930-1931 Yearbook

Co 111 lllcrciu I DcpurllllCnl The Commercial Department has proved, not only this year but in previous years, to be one of the most p :>pular departments of the school. The immense increase of the department during the past tWO years, es~cially, has excdled even our dreams. This department has so advanced that credit is being offered to college commercial students as well as (0 high school 5[udents. However, most students taking Business Administration are not merely interested in receiving credit for chis work but in becoming better qualified for administrative positions in the business world. The rattle of typewriters and sound of pens let one know that there are many nimble fingers and quick thinking minds within the realms of this splendid deparrmentj and at a glance, we see the possibilities of many coveted stenographers for there are blondes and brunettes of rare type. From previous successes of our young men and women in obtaining profitable positions, we know that there is a very bright future for anyone who graduates from this department