2016-2017 Yearbook

During club week 2013, a group of \\·omen gathered in a small Kendall Hall dorm room to discuss their dreams of creating a new .ocial club. Three years later, the last of PKD·, charter members \\·ere seniors and ,,·ere' astounded by \\'hat their club had accompl ishcd. According to the 20162017 president, senior Alisha Hovatcr, PKD grew threefold from the time they started \\'ith about 30 chancr members in 2013, Lo expansion of over 120 members in 2016. "\\'e put the Lord as our foundation and watched [this club] grO\v," HO\·atcr said. '·E,·cry single charter member has different talent,, and in order to get [PKDJ off the ground, all ofus had to use our talents to get there." Seniors Candace Adams and Renee Wimpey said it \\'as crazy to look back at how quickly rhe club grew from the time it started in 2013. Wimpey said she ,ms grateful that the natural doubts that came ,,·ith the endeavor were just distant memories from her frc hman year. "lt feels like we ju Lstarted this, and c,·ery year it·s grown," Ada m said. '·\\'e\-c been able to touch so many lives. I'm proud of what we've done.·' Senior Ashley Kernan said what started as a group oC20-30 completch' random \\'Omen has turned into a group of lifelong friends eternally bonded in a special ,,·ay. "Besides it being God's plan. it\ been such a humbling experience to be a pan or:· K erna n . a id. ''\\'hat I lack, and I lack plenty, c,-cryone else has multitudes of. \\'e fill each other's gaps in ways only by the hands of God.'' Seniors Barrie !\lounger and Erin Hanson ,,·ere impressed by the di lfcrent ,,·alks oflifc that everyone came from and how they were all able to connect. ~lounger said she ,ms glad to lca\'C the club in the hands of the younger women who were equally im·cstcd in PKD. "\\'call came from different majors and all over campus, and I nn·cr 11·ould ha,-c expected to be thrown in ,,·ith the,c people,.. Ha nson sa id. "Now, I've tnixclcd the world with some; I've li\'Cd wiLh some these people arc my best friends." Senior Colleen Goff said starting something other \\'Omen \1·ould get to profit from and benefit from made the experience worth it. Senior Claire Perry said she prayed her frc ·hman year for PKD to be uccessful. "To lcaYe H arding ha\·ing been a part of this I ,ouldn't ask for anything better," Perry said. Senior Phi Kappa Delta (PKD) charter members Renee Wimpey, Paige Martin, Claire Perry, Alisha Hovater, Madison Stein and Barrie M ounger pose for a photo at Harding Park on Thu rsday, No v. 17. T he women founded PKD in 20 13. I Photos by Macy Pate