1998-1999 Yearbook

Students Use Classroom Knowledge as Interns Before graduating from Harding, a majority of students must complete an internship. The object of the internship is to allow the student to choose hi s or her dream job and work for that company for a specifi ed amount of time, but many settle for any job with any company so they can get hands-on experience for their future profess ions whil e satisfying the requirement for their majo rs. Thi s past summe r , st ud en t s participated in internsh ips all over the United States and gained valuable experience for the future. Senior Mike Ely, a political science major, did an internship in the White House in Washington D.C. The most important lessons he learned were from observing and listening. "I heard Dr. Janet Reno speak. She is the Attorney General and a great speaker," Ely said. Ely also said he had many good experiences. "I like meeting people who are now new contacts for me as I try to get a job in the future," he said. Ely sa id getting the job was a simple process. "I looked on the Internet, requested the job and sent my resume. It took two weeks to get an answer in the mail," he said. Dr. Denise Miller, who is in charge of helping students making connections for jobs as director of cooperative education, helped senior Cristina Rodriguez get an internship. Rodriguez worked at Dillard's Myca Haynes - Coolvill e, Ohio Kevin Hearne - Boise, ldaho Mandi Hellman - Irving, Texas Jeremy Helm - West l>l onroe, La. Be lew Helton - Pittsford, N.Y. Hillary Henderson - Nashville, Tenn. Brooke Henderson - Ceorgetown, Texas Wade Henderson - Cotton Plant. Ark. Sandy Hendri ck - Hariman, Ark. Brad Hendri ckson - l-lanchester,l>lo. James Henley - Broken Arrow, Okla. Alan Henton - Oxford, Miss. Julian Hess - Portland, Ore. Deidre Heupel - Florence, Ala. Andrea Hickmon - Searcy, Ark. Chad Hicks - Searcy, Ark. Erin Hill - Ad rian, 1>!ich. Ginny Hill - Jacksonville, Ark. " 116 PEOPLE during the summer. "In this job, youwere able to face all kinds of problems; some days were bad and some days were good, but that's the real world and we nave to cope in this kind of env ironment, " Rodriguez sa id. "I was wo rking in the area of sales with the manager of themen's department with the visuals and displays. I worked in the department of credit and customer service,': she said. Rodriguez said she gained a variety of experiences. "I learned how to manage the store and how to use the computer systems, and all of th is is re lated to what I am learning in school," she said. Rodriguez felt good about getting to work at a place like Dillard's. "Dillard's has a great reputation in this business, and I'm sure that, besides all the experience that I got, it is also goi ng to be good for my resume because of its prestige," she said. Rodri guez compared her internship to school work. "School gives you the theory, and you have to develop the knowledge at work," she said. Dr. Jack Shock, an assistant professor from the Department ofCommunication, said, "The internship can be the most important educational experience fo r a student. Students often find that the internship brings everything together. What they learn in class, they apply at work. " - Juli eta Gil Junior Elyse Siavska poses with Willard Scott andAl Roker of the Today Show whereshe internedduring thesummer. Many interns got the chance to make contacts that could be useful as they seek employment in their professions after college.