1998-1999 Yearbook

Students crowd around a table in the Plaza outside the Benson and help themselves to cold drinks and muffins after chapel. "Muffin chapel, " as it is known to most, is greatly enjoyedby all. It allows the students to visit with each other andgives chapel a change ofpace. "/ like muffin chapel because we get to go outside when it is warm and visit with friends," said senior Meredith Morriss. Although muffin chapel only happens twice a year, it offers a change of atmosphere from the usual chapel programs in the Benson Auditorium. Improvements made over the summer in the remodeling of the Benson contributedto more enjoyablechapelprograms.Otherchapel programs that were fondly remembered were appearances by the "grumpy old men," performances by singing groups, and speakers likeDonMcLaughlin. Thoughsome chapel programs were more energetic than others, even the traditional programs were encouraging to all. The singing, devotionals and group prayers started students ' days with encouragement and the desire to serve God. Rachel Gunn - W. Helena, Ark. Tommy Gunn - Batesville, Ark. Michelle Guy· Judsonia, Ark. Neil Hail ey - Terrace, Canada Sara Hale - Uvalde , Texas Adam Halford - Rogers, Ark. Sheri Hall - Nobile. Ala. Vanessa Hammersmith - Ft. Wayne , Ind. Eric Hanes - Poplar Bluff, Mo. Klane Hanson - West Memphis, Ark. Kristen Harfert - Irving, Ten!! Melanie Harkabus - Richmond, Va. Rachael Harless - Huntsville, Ala. Patty Harmon - Kan$M City. No. Doug Harp - Searcy, Ark. Elizabeth Harrell - Nountlin View, Ark. Kelly Harris - Abilene, Texas Kenny Harris - Bentonville, Ark. Tyreek Harry - SL Amen, No. Anya Harshey - Indianapolis, Ind. Bobby Hartzog - Richmond, Va. Rachel Haslam - Bon Aqua, Tenn. Amanda Hayes - O\lonroe, La. Jason Hayes - Cordova, Tenn. FRESHMEN 115 "