1995-1996 Yearbook

For 1995 seniors, graduation means ... A New Beginning In 1995, Harding bade farewell to more than 600 students who marched into the "real world." The graduates who marched in the May ceremony were advised by Jimmy Allen, in the context of Philippians 3:13-14, to forget their past academic failures, sour relationships and forgiven sins, and to remember God as He is, His word, the church, their families, the lost and their alma mater. Former chairman of the President's Council , Jim Bob Humphrey, offered the August graduates four bits of wisdom: recognize that Matthew 6:33 is a principle of life; learn the power of prayer described in the book of James; be all you can be for God, choosing which mountains you will climb for Him; and as Dr. James Dobson advised his children, don't let any experience of life keep you from "be[ing] there" in heaven. As part of the December graduation, the chairman of the Board of Trustees, Pat Bell, reminded the graduates of the world theywould face and how Harding had prepared them spiritually, socially and academically to face it. The graduates appreciated the advice from these three but eagerly shared their own advice. Phil Lairson, a Bible major from Searcy, said, "Spend quiet time with God. Maintain a good praye r life, and let the Bible draw you close r to God. Also, realize that true joy and a sense of well-being ultimately come from the fact that God considers you precious enough to Shauna King andher family share in the excitement of her December graduation. Many family members and friends converged on the Harding campus for graduation ceremonies three times each year. Photo by Jimmy Brooks. offer you redemption through the blood of His only Son." Mylinda Lawson, an accounting major from Searcy, said, "Take all the general education classes while you want to have fun in college. Save the hard stuff for when you want to get an education. Remember that there really is a light at the end of the tunnel , so don't give up. " Instead of giving advice to underclassmen, some graduates chose to describe their academic, social and spiritual experiences. Amy Balentine, a psychology and vocational ministry major from St. Louis, said, "I've been happy with my academic experience at Harding. One of my favorit e classes was Techniques of Counseling because it was a small class and we got to practice our counseling skills. It was challenging and quite interactive ." Hector Valderrama, a Bible and ministry major from Bogata, Colombia, said, "Coming to Harding gave me the opportunity to develop strong relationships with my School of Biblical Studies classmates. We grew to love each other by sharing many of our problems and successes with one another. I have met many others who have influenced me a lot, and I cherish these relationships, too. " For these and others who graduated in 1995, graduation seemed to involve much more than a physical departure from Harding. It also involved the culmination of memories that bred wonderful wisdom and cherished relationships. - Michael Carter Dr. David Burks presents Jimmy Allen, Harding professor ofBible, with an honorary doctorate degree from Harding. Allen was the keynote speaker at the May graduation. Photo by Jason Burt. Graduation Student Life * 45