1995-1996 Yearbook

Ashley Hickerson, along with some friends, congratulates her fiance, Britt Lynn, upon his December graduation. Receiving a diploma marked the end ofmany years ofwork anda step into the future. Photo by Jimmy Brooks. Dr. Lew Moore presents Clay Bartee his master's degree hoodduring August ceremonies. Bartee was the first graduate ofHarding'sMarriage andFamily Therapy program. Photo by JeffMontgomery. Graduation 44~,--~d-,------~f:--~~~~~~~~~ Stu ent Lie "Spend quiet time with God. Maintain a good prayer life and let the Bible draw you closer to God. Also, realize that true joy and a sense of well-being ultimately come from the fact that God considers you precious enough to offer you redemption through the blood of His only Son. " - Phil Lairson