1993-1994 Yearbook

When the last test is taken most students are ready to. TAKE A BREAK Leaving school for the security of home wa the answer for many students trying to get out of the school year rut. "There is nothing in the world better than going home during the holidays," sophomore Mike Figgins said. "What could be better than sleeping in your · own bed and getting fed real · home-cooked meals?" "School is great, but once in a while it gets a bit monotonous and you need a break," freshman Carrie Payne said. "Holidays are that break for students, a chance to get away and sort of clear your head. ' Unfortunately, rest and relaxation often were not the only items on the agenda for holidays . Aside from schoolwork that had to be done, students had to carefully arrange schedules to make sure all their social engagements were met. "All your friends from school are also home for the holidays, so you want to spend lots of time with them but you also have to set aside time for the family," freshman Chris Baker said. "Thanksgiving and Christmas just turn into big juggling acts. " While some students ' vacations were largely a balancing act, other students had a definite plan of attack for conquering the holiday season. "I went shopping," Payne said. "That was my plan the whole time: to go shopping with my mom as soon and as much as possible. " Going home gave students a chance to plan activities they ordinarily would not have time for while school was in session. "DuringThanksgiving Iwent Freshman Colby ea/ loads a friend 's car before leaving for Christmas break. Holiday breaks gave students a welt-deserved rest. Photo byJason Burt. Kim Miller - Marshall , IL Keith Millsap - Dyer. AR Joanne Mitchell - Monroe, LA Rebecca Money - earcy,· AR Kelly Montgomery - Bartlett , Th Jennifer Moore - Flint , Ml Keith Moore - Pa latka , FL Doreen Morris - Bartle1L, T Lori Morris - Hernando, MS Justin Morrison - Joplin, MO Bobby Morse - Nashville, T Trena Moss - Harvest, AL Wilfred Neal - Belize City, Belize tephanie Neff - Parker. co ]e ica elson - Plano , TX Juniors 66 ~----- Clas~es to see one concert in Little Rock, one in Memphis, and finally watched another one on TV, " freshman Shelby Smith said. However, for many, going home meant spending time with the people they love most. "Seeing my family is what I look forward to when I think of going home ," sophomore Rachel Carter said. "But even though I love going home, I'm always ready to come back to my friends here at Harding. " - Bart Blasengame