1993-1994 Yearbook

When money gets tight , students find themselves. ON THE JOB Many students found it difficult to balance time for srudy and recreation. Those with jobs faced even greater demands on their time. Freshmen Jeremy Gaytan worked at the Wal-Mart Distribution Center and said that he liked his job, but he wished he could work fewer hours. "I worked about 22 hours a week," Gaytan said. "By working so much, I missed out on a lot of the fun that took place at chool and club functions. Looking back, I sometimes wonder if the money was worth it. " Many students complained about getting up for an 8:00 class. Senior Sara Healy, however, worked at the College Inn from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. Healy said. "Going to bed earlier would've helped, but to get eight hours of sleep, I would've had to go to bed around 10:00 each night , which is virtually impossible in a college dorm." According to] acob Moran, working at the Brackett Library wasn't as easy as it looked. There was more to it than most people realized. "Shelving books is important , and very few workers like to do it ," saidJacob. "The good thing was that the more seniority a person had, the less shelving they had to do. The bad thing was that I didn't have any seniority." Whether they worked on or off campus , students with jobs had to make everyminute each weekday. count. "Getting up that early really took a lot out of me ," - Marquis Jackson j eny Morgan prepares books for shelving in the Brackett Libra1y. Working students faced many challenges in finding time for studies, work and play. Photo byJason Burt. Mitch Mathews - Fullenon. A Melanie Matthews - Temple, TX Penny Mayberry - Benton, AR Kelley Mays - Irving, TX Vic McCracken - Brookville. PA Anna McFadden - Paragould, AR Laura McFarland - Dover, DE Jan McGaughey - Keller, TX Sandy McGee - Keller, TX Janet McKee - Omak, WA Glen McSpadden - Cabot, AR Kim Meadows - Kosciusko, MS Aki Megee - Irving, TX John Mercer, Jr. - earcy, AR Sharon Messersmith - Chula Vista, CA Juniors Classes 65