1993-1994 Yearbook

For students living in extended housing, e ach day is another. LESSON IN 'LIFE 101' "The best of both worlds. " That' how almo t 175 Harding tudent characterized their living ituation. The e individuals were re idents of the various Harding-owned apartments and hou ing unit located on and around the campu . Based on age and/ or credit hours, the criteria for living in the extended hou ing units were tricter than dorm requiremen ts. tudents had to be 21 years old or in their fifth year. Transfer tudents were required to spend at lea t one year in the dom1s before being approved for a hou e or apartment. Katrina Timms, supervisor for women' apartments, said that the idea of extended housing is important to a growing school like Harding. "Harding is taking advantage of the boom in enrollment without building new dorm that might stand vacant in a few year ," Timm said, referring to the difficulty many Christian school are having due to decreases in enrollment. "Students enjoy the freedom of living on their own as well a the money they can save by not having to buy a meal ticket. " Senior] eff Conner expressed a similar view by saying, "It's nice to come home after a hard day of cla e and be able to stretch out in the living room. Having more living space makes joking around with friends even more fun. " The student in the houses and apartments were upervised by a live-in re ident a sistant who reported to resident supervisors. Timms reported that the apartment and extended housing have worked well. 'I haven't had any more problems than usual, " he said. The 1993-94 chool year marked the fir t year for female students to Ii e in Hardingjunior Paige Danielputs thefini bing touches on a meal. Extended housing offered tudents a taste of real life. Photo by Michael Bass. Greg French - Omaha , E Gretchen French - Omaha , . E hane Gage - Benbrook, TX Carrie Gan ner - Festus, MO Bonni Gant -Liuleion. co Hany Garner - Mt. Pleasant , Marib I Garza - Salinas, CA Michele German - Forre~t City, AR Randy Gillmore - ulpher Rock. AR T re a Glaze - Bald Knob, AR Tracy Hutton Grimes - ewark , DE Matt Habecker - Randolph , NJ Amy Hall -Charleston, wv Kelly Hall - t. Mary , \W Michelle Harrunond - Maryland Height, MO Juniors 62 ~----~­ Classes owned homes as parr of the project. Men have been living in three off-campus locations for about five years. "I consider thi something like Life 101 ," Timm aid. "These situations teach students to communicate and to get along better. By choosing to live in an apartment, they have chosen more than the average college experience." - Brandey Payne