1993-1994 Yearbook

Dr. j ohn Moon , chairma n of the biology department, assists studen ts as they explore genetics through a computer program. Moon taught a uarie(r' C!f cou rses in the sciences. Photo by Jason Bw1. David Cole, Ph. D. Asso. Professor, Chemistry Ronald Doran, M . S. Professor, Biology Don England, Ph. D. Dist. Professor, Chemistry Greg lindstrom, M. S. Lab Coordinator, Researcher James Mackey, Ph. D. Professor, Physical Science Marsha McNutt, B. S. Ass't. Prof., Physical Science John W. Moon, Ph. D. Asso. Professor, Biology Department Chairman Steve Moore, Ph. D. Ass't. Professor, Biology Deb Mueller, Ph. D. Associate Professor, Biology Lambert Murray, Ph. D. Professor, Physical Science Mike Plummer, Ph. D. Professor, Biology Bryce Roberson, Ph. D. Professor, Biology Bill Rushton, M. A. Professor, Biology Keith Schramm, M. S. E. Ass't. Prof., Physical Science Carroll Smith, Ph. D. Professor, Chemistry Ed Wilson, Ph. D. Professor, Chemistry Physical Science Academics 151