1993-1994 Yearbook

TW"o Science Programs Merit Special Recognition Exciting research earned national and international acclaim for Harding in biology and physical science this year. Dr. Mike Plummer, professor of ecology, received international recognition for his thesis paper on snake ecology. In response to his work, Plummer was invited to an international conference in Australia. On campus , the barrier between the ever-increasing base of scientific knowledge and what is taught in the classroom was being broken by a NASA research grant. The physical science department has worked with the Jove project for three years . The research has focused on the sun 's magnetic fields and how they affect its energy production . The ASA grant has paid for extensive networking, the Sun Work Station and several scholarships. Faculty members work with Dr. Jim Dowdy, a Harding alumnus , from NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville , Ala. "Jim tells us what type of programs he wants written and we act on his suggestions, " said Greg Lindstrom, computer programmer and assistant administrator for the Sun project. So far , faculty and students have completed one indepth program to help assimilate data collected, and are in the process of writing three others. "In most of the research world, eve1ything is cutthroat. But at Harding, we all work together to solve the problems . This always amazes Jim,'' Lindstrom said. Dr. Steven Moore, a macrobiologist and immunologist who researched in organ transplants for the last three and one-half years at St. Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis , joined the biology faculty this year. After working with research scientists , he enjoys teaching at Harding. "The best part is working in a Christian environment ," Moore said. - Julie Anderson Ron Doran explains the distinctive cha racteristics of various trees to his botany class during a field trip. Field trips brought students andf acu l(vc!oser together. Photo by Michael Bass. Dr. Ed Wilson , chemistry prof essor, prepares a n assignment f or class. Wilson was also known on campus as a free-lance portrait photographer. Photo by Jason Burt. Biology 150 ~,----------A-c_a_d_emics Researcher Greg Lindstrom works with a student on a computer program. Lindstrom supervised the writing of computerprog rams f or NASA research. Photo by Jason Burt.