1992-1993 Yearbook

58 Academics Sciences Launch Special Projects \ hether it's pre-med, prehealth sciences, or pre-vet, over the last 18 years Harding's biology majors have experienced the highe ·t acceptance rate intomedical college of any college in the mid-south. ccording to Dr. John Moon, chairman of the depaitment. this year there wer approximately 2- 1 biology majors. Moon said, "We offer a very focused, limited curriculum that meets the need of students. We try to be flexible to allow research and special course ." Moon also said the biology depanment encouraged students to take a semester offand pa11icipate in internships. Student have panicipatecl in internship at the niversiry of Tulsa , Pepperdin . Epcot Center, avannah River Ecology Lab and Research Medical Ho pita! in ew Jersey. till in the planning stage , the department has been anticipating the offering ofa Bachelor ofScience degree with honors. The requirements wou ld include the maintenance ofa ce11ain grade point average and a cenain percentage ·core on the GRE biology exam. loon concluded , ··we feel j o hn Moon , Ph. D. A '>'>Oci al c Profe~ 'or of 13iolog) and Ch,tirman of the Depanmem Debo r ah Muelle r , Ph. D. A">Sotiate Profc"or of B1olog) Mich ea l V. Plumme r , Ph. D. Profe"or of Biolog\ Wa rd Bryce Ro be r son , Ph. D. l'rofe.,.,or o f Biology Will iam F. Rus hto n , M. A. Profe, , or of Biology George Woodruff, Ed . D. Profe.,.,or of Biolog) " ·e\·e got a good depanment and an excellent faculty. We feel that it is ve1y productive." In the physical science depanment, one area ofspecialty has been its ASA JOVE program.. "JOVE ", which signifies a ''Joint Venture ... im·oh·e a partnership the department has with ASA in Huntsville, Alabama. According to Dr. Don England. chairman of the department , "Harding niver ity i , one of only a fe" · chools invited to be part of the ">.A A JOVE program." Under the JOVE program, ome cholarships are also av;arded to tudents for their pa11icipation and outstanding achievements. A ASA eminaroncarnpus during the fall featured Dr. She ila Le"·i on ··space Station Freedom. " On January 25-27, tudent were able to visit the John on Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. -- Jan Bonds