1992-1993 Yearbook

Boa rd Member Russ Burcham ta lks with Tamara Reed in the Ame ri ca n He ritage lobby. Boa rd Members a lv\'ays made the ti111 e to interact with stude nts d uring the ir lll eetings o n the Harding ca lll pus. Vice Pres ide nt Lo tt Tucke r cong ra tul a tes boa rd member .J im Bill Mcl nteer d uring ~1 break lro 111 a boa rd Jll eeting. It was anno unced a t the Bo~1rd Meeting that the new Bible and World Miss ion cente r w ill be named afte r Mcl ntec r. Curtis Cl ements of the School of Business putts as President 's Counc il membe r, Tommy Tomlinson , wa its his tum. The annual golf to urnament took p lace during the fa ll meeting . President Burks presents Cam Henderson with a p laq ue a t a recent Pres ident 's Counc il meeting. Hende rson , the newest membe r of the Counc il , was added in the fa ll. Academics 37