1992-1993 Yearbook

36 Academics Board of Trustees &President's Council Boards Evaluate Long-Range Plans Described as being "a group of volunteers who love Christian education and want to see Harding niversity prosper," the Board of Trustees served as the policy-making body of the university and concentrated on key areas such as budget approvals, faculty selection and building programs; At its semi-annual meetings , the board worked to develop two graduate programs , a new Bibl e facility and a five-year strategic plan for the university. A two-year master's degree program in family therapy was approved for initiation in the fall of 1993. The Graduate School of Religion in Memphis was granted approval for the Ph.D. in biblical studies. The Board also finalized fund-raising and construction plans for the new Mcinteer Bible and World Missions Center. The building, which should take about 16 months to complete, was begun during the spring semester. Another important advisory board at Harding, the President 's Council was a select group of men and women who assisted BOARD OF TRUSTEES: First Row: Deanna Slllilh : Rohen Brackc:·u : D:111 Hu."ell. vice-chainnan: .J allle' Cone. chairrn:rn : I brry Risinger: I lous10n Eze ll. Second Ro\\' : D:1vid Burks; Roy S:t\\'yer: Paul Can er. Third Ro \\' : Jim llill Mclnicer. ;,ecre1:1ry: John Si1111non': J\lel G:irdner; Loui;, Green . Fourth Ro \\' : Da,·id Paul Burt on: Russ l ~urchalll : Richard Gih,on: Don Shore;,; Pal llell. Nol Piclurcd : Okn I lcndrix: .J ohn lb ldwin , 1re:1surer the university in carrying out its m1ss1on: "to provide a quality education in which young people are encouraged to develop themselves as Christian servants." Council members are appointed for five-year tenns and use their time, talents and resources to advance Harding in such areas as admissions, placement , fund raising and alumni receptions. Council member choose from five specific academic development councils and offer insight,counsel and expertise for the programs which are administered by each. Often referred to as "offcamp us ambas sa dors for Harding," the Council strove to provide guidance and as istance for the university by eva luating the recommendations submitted in the strategic plan and providing financial assistance to the uni ver ity. According to development officer, Art Woods , ''Of Harding 's annual funds , approximately 10 to 20 percent are contributed by the President's Council." -- Jan Bonds