1992-1993 Yearbook

Seminoles Often seen steppin' around campus with their huge circle of admirers were the men of Seminoles. The club, formed almost two years ago, has become one of the most well known and growing clubs on campus. What originally started out as a small number of only 10 or so members, has grown to become a large club of 100 or more men. Seminoles took an active part in helping the Searcy community by sponsoring their first Haunted House. The Haunted House drew in funds of approximately $5,000. The club donated part of the money to the Searcy Sunshine School to help buy choir robes. Part of the money was also donated to Leisure Lodge Nursing Home. Semino1es, formed from a combination of different mens ' clubs, hoped to be somewhat different from other clubs. As club member Hal Baker put it , "The fact that we 're all just a bunch of friends who can hang out together is the most important thing... It 's means more than just calling ourselves a 'club'. " -- Jan Bonds z < ~ u :c 0 ~ Jason Winler, Brooks H arrell , and Thad Hill load the Sen1in0Jes' £ mi xer sign . Fo r several wee ks, club members tri ed to get the best ~ "'MB!"··· , attendance poss ible at their mi xers. ~ Seminoles. I sl roil': Capr. Thurl Nookester, Spici er Perkins . Tony Patri ck , Brent Morga n. Bryan Ri eboldt. Jason Ward , Ruben V idaurri , D avid Oser , Brook s Harrell ,Jason Winters, Andre Rush, Jon Newby , Kyl e Citty. Jason Pace , Scotr D av is, Steven Fitzhugh,.James Reed . 2 nd rou1: Stu art Hil l , M ike Lugo, James Th ornton. Ri chi e Ross, Bret Reed,John Hester , Danny Allison , Ray Tynes, Justin Banker . Troy Smith, Paul Simmons, Lee Edwards, Ryan Derri ck, Mike Hinton, M ike Barineau. 3 rd rou•: Tom Kennedy, Thuddeas Hill , Ryan Pace, Clay Beason.Wes Rhoten,Jason Wall er, Rutledge Gordon, Phillip Shivel,JeffPatterson, Darren Stanl ey. 4tb rou•: Shawn Humphrey, Zach Jacobsen, Ron Harding, Matt Ri singer , Lee ~ Robbins, Chad Mashburn , Mi chael Mil ls, o John Turbevill e, Chad Griffin. Lance Proc- :C 0 to r , Greg Mashburn. CJ1'·isAnderson, Herny > Hill , Matt Cl abo rn , Stuan Procto r . ci 158 Socia]:,C~ubs 8 0 :r: 0.. -----