1991-1992 Yearbook

BELLES & BEAUX:~~~~:!~~ent Anyone who had the pleasure of seeing Belles and Beaux perform would tell you that it's an experience that shouldn ' t be missed. These entertainers kept audiences tapping, clapping and smiling all through each performance. Belles and Beaux was a group of singers and instrumentalists under the direction of Dr. Cliff Ganus Ill. Members were accepted by audition only and trained extensively for each show. The group traveled and performed various pop selections including " Stand By Me," " On Broadway, " and " Love in Any Language. " Their presentations of singing, playing and choreography were enjoyed thoroughly by people of all 3l ages. ~ Belles and Beaux provided ~ great public relations for ~ ~ 72 ORGANIZATIONS Harding Admissions by encouraging future music majors. It also offered excellent opportunities for its members. Aside from the experience gained, Harding provided a scholarship to the students and participation could also open many doors for these entertainers. David Slater, a former member, went on to win a round of Star Search and completed two albums. Belles and Beaux also has boasted such members as Dean Priest and Dr. Dennis Organ. Belles and Beaux have refocused their style since their conception in 1958, but they have never stopped entertaining. The group traveled throughout the nation in states such as Florida, Louisiana, Missouri, and Texas. They've even put on shows at Disney World and Disneyland. The Belles and Beaux continued to share the spirit of Harding with every performance. Because of their flexibility, the group proved that they were destined to be a part of Harding for a long time to come.+ - Stacy Gaskin BELLES l!t BEAUX. 1st row (I tor): Daryl Amy, Kris Falwell , Kim House, Jema Mccardell , Robert Guy. 2nd row: Shannan Homer, Chuck Roe, Kevin Curtis, Kacy Underwood, Ch ri s Nuthak, Jonathan Vest, Kaci Bolls. 3rd row: David White. FOUR-PART HARMONY.. Kevin Curtis, 3l Shannan Homer, Kacy Underwood ~ and Chuck Roe harmonize with other .!l members of Belles and Beaux . The ~ group provided variety entertainment ~ for the student body during Home- hi coming festivities. 3 !