1991-1992 Yearbook

CAMPUS MINISTRY. 1st row (I to r): Kent Baker, Teresa Gamer, Troy Foster, Beth Martin. 2nd row: Wade Osburn, Wendy Blades, Jan Harbin, Jim Kenneth, Elaine Shearer, Scott Genry, Charlotte Drulman, Clint Davis, Chris Philips. .3rd row: Dwight Smith, Barby Smith, Christy Coonts, Rich Little, John Spivey, Joe Dugger, Candace Ware and Renee Rose. JOY. 1st row (I to r) : Katrina Deys, Faith Seay, Jan Harbin. 2nd row: Greta Ritchie, Sondra Smith, Ramona Reaves and Amy Pruitt. WHAT'S THE POINT? Darren Bonham and Tibor Siklosi practice a scene from one of the skits. The Conquerors performed often in chapel and in the Peak of the Week Bible class. ~ WOMEN 'S CLASSES. Students enjoy ~ the opportunity to hear women's lec- !i tures during the annual student tee- ~ tureship. Classes for women were J conducted twice each day. l"'l c: ~ ::r ~ CONQUERORS, YOUTH CORP, CAMPUS MINISTRY & JOY 71 > :s ~· l"'l co 3 "O ~