1991-1992 Yearbook

Construction Brings Anticipation The bulldozers were on the move. The sound of hammers echoed in the air. Cement truc~s came to and fro. The sound of drilling could be heard all over campus. Men in construction helmets moved here and there working on their assigned tasks. This was the scene surrounding the Hammon Student Center as the spring semester got under way at Harding. The university had planned to expand the center for some time, and now the work was beginning at last. At times, the construction proved to be an inconvenience to students and traffic, but the end result would be worth the hassle. In a chapel session fall semester, Dr. David Burks gave a sneak preview of what the student center would look like upon completion. Stephen Rogers - Security Officer Jaretta Rose - Secretary for Admissions Services Mike Ross - Admissions Adviser Byron Rowan - Assistant Vice President for Finance James Rumfleld - Director of Carpentry and Painting t.rvln Sandlin - Purchasing Agent rellpa Santillan - Postal Clerk Ann Schol - Assistant to Human Resources Director Bud Sellers · Mechanic Angela Shaw - Cashier Todd Sheldon - Assistant Control/et Joan Shelton - Postal Clerk Biii Sivia - Financial Analyst Joy Slayton - Secretary for Security t.dwln Smith - Cabinet Maker Hennan Smith - Chief Security Officer Louise Speannan - Technical Services Assistant Biii Spurlock - Sheet Metal Foreman Don Starks - Assistant Director of Admissions Services Ralph Sterling - Carpenter Wanda Stewart - Custodia/ SQ ACADEMICS Backed and supervised by the Harding maintenance team, a general contractor, Cone Construction, began renovations on the facilities over Christmas break at an estimated cost of $2 million dollars. The renovations that were planned were designed for the students' benefit. The bookstore will have a second-floor addition to the existing facility with a stairway similar to the one in the library. Plans were also made to expand classroom space on the second floor to a total of five rooms and one multi-purpose large meeting room. This was planned not only to expand classroom space on campus but also to provide a central facility for club meetings and other campus organizations. Burks took responsibility for raising the funds to complete the expansion of the center. His chief means of support were promotions to the alumni, friends, and supporters of the University. ' 'There is not a single tuition dollar or federal tax dollar being pumped into the program," Ryan added. Ryan capsulized the benefits that the students would enjoy from the renovations. "With the completion of the center, there will be facilities to accommodate the disabled, there will be an expanded bookstore, more classroom and restroom space, easier access to the post office, and automatic teller services to the cent~. We feel that the expansion is justifiable due to the growth of the student body."+ - Bob Bouten