1991-1992 Yearbook

Jenene Alexander, M.S. Sears Learning Center INFORMATION TRANSFER. Chris Green, a transfer from UALR, uses the database in the still-new Brackett Library. The periodicals database and computer catalog enabled students to refine their research. SLOW NIGHT. Carla Sparks and Jim Frazier work late at the Learning Assistance Center. Frazier kept the center open until 10:00 p.m. so students could come to use the computers or get help from a tutor. Assist. f'rof. of f'sychology. Counselor/ Advisor/ Diagnostician in Student Support Services f'rogram Verna Dee Bost. M.A.T. Assist. f'rof. of f'sychology. Coordinator of the LAC and Director of f'ASS Sherry Pollard . Ed.D. Assistant f'rofessor of f'sychology Linda Thompson . M.Ed. Assist. f'rof. of rsyc/10/ogy a11d Dir. of tl1e Student Support Services LIBRARY & STUDENT SERVICES 45