1991-1992 Yearbook

11. Women's Intramurals Experiences Great Season Once again the women's Intramurals program has experienced another great season of "fun, excitement, and entertainment," as timelessly described by director Barbara Barnes. There were seven women ably assisting Barnes this year: Janet end GATA eeked out a one point victory. Deys kept score at the ballgame which lasted well past curfew. Said Deys of the game, "It was very frustrating, but it was a good game between two tough teams with good sportsmanship." Clark, Katrina Deys, A.J. Grimes, Myleea Hill, Michelle Marshall, Roxi Toms, and Jennifer Mc Mullen. Y ou win Barbara Barnes continued to direct this program with shining success. Harding's Intramural program retained an outstandingly high rate of participation. The players as well as the assistants appreciated the leadership provided by Barnes. She was known for her fun-loving spirit and her exemplary caring attitude. Roxi Toms aptly described Barnes as a " strong woman with a soft heart. " These assistants were responsible for setting up game equipment, keeping scores, and generally insuring that games were played smoothly and punctually. "We sometimes had to really push to keep things running on schedule, but there was a general spirit of cooperation that made our job easier," said McMullen. some, you lose some, and everyone lives happily ever after. -Michelle Marshall The women's program served both the serious competitors and those players participating Assistant Katrina Deys was a witness to a historical moment in women's club athletics this fall. OEGE and GATA competed in a grueling nine inning softball game. In the - 'just for fun. " As Michelle Marshall humorously ~xplained, " You win some, you lose some, and everyone lives happily ever after."+ - Jennifer McMullen FUN AND GAMES. Myleea Hill , Jennifer McMullen and Janet Clark allow their crazy side to show while Michelle Marshall seems more o f a serious mood . These four women worked to make sure the womens intramural games ran smoo th ly. WOMEN'S INTRAMURALS 139