1991-1992 Yearbook

"'O -=- 0 0 ~ t... ~ =II t"l I» VI ?' "'O -=- 0 0 r:J' '< r ~ ::r 3: I» ;;s (tl 2 ~ HUNGER PAINS. Jina Su Anderson eats away on her apple while Heatber Dreessen thinks " I sure would like a bite of that apple!" Midnight snacks were popular during late night study sessions. SOMETHING FUNNY? Mark Taylor, Jan Gentry, James Bennett, and Dale Sheehy enjoy themselves during chapel. That wasn't so bad; chapel was enjoyed by many, especially during the skits performed. ~ OEGE. 1st row (I to r): Christine Palmer, Keri McLeod, ~ Sharon Welch, Dawn Platt, Jackie Rowden, Jan Gentry, r:r Meredith White, Christy McCormick, Jeannette Pickle- ~ simer, Yvonne Williams. 2nd row: Cara Walker, Julie ~ Nissing, Jill Nissing, T0erri Lehmann, Renee Benson, Ane: gie Hughan, Jina Su Anderson, Sondra Smith, Stacey ?' Tucker, Tracy Scourfield. .3rd row: Sherrie Lanam, Alethea Short, Michele Winter, Mellisa Collett, Heather Dreessen, Bert Paddock, Chris Collett, Clint Stapp, Myleea Hill, Michelle Hammond, DeeDee Cook, and Gretchen French. KING'S MEN & OEGE 1_23