1991-1992 Yearbook

Phi 'lJe[ta Ordinary To Extraordinary Phi Delta, founded in 1944, put no limits on themselves as a dub or as individuals. "Phi Delta has turned out to be the perfect club for me. The girls in the club have never limited its boundaries to only the people within the club. So I have been able to make friends outside the club. I also enjoy how each year Phi Delta strives to become closer, not only to each other, but- also to God. 1 truly enjoyed every minute I spent with my club sisters," said President Jill Limbrunner. · The ladies of Phi Delta were able to spend time together and go beyond boundaries by participating in a service project. For the past several years, one of the main service projects for the club has been lending a hand to an elderly couple, the Selfs, on a regular basis. The Selfs needed help caring for their lawn and a few other household chores. Limbrunner felt this project contributed to the closeness of the club. Even though it was hard work~ everyone did their part with great attitudes and had a great time. The members of Phi Delta enjoyed helping the Selfs, but they also enjoyed getting to know the Selfs on a one-toone basis. Jennifer Rogers said, "Mrs. Self loves to visit! And she always wants to know how everyone is doing. Since we've been doing this project, she knows most of us on a personal level. That makes th·e visits mean that much more." The project has enabled the members to realize that the little enjoyable things in life can shrink the troubles in our lives to an appropriate size. Member Leah Barber said, "It feels great seeing the appreciation from Mr. and Mrs. Self. Being young and healthy is taken for granted so much, but for that little while, through the Selfs I can see I am truly blessed. They see greatness out of something that comes so easy to me." Phi Delta focused on the ordinary and made it extraordinary!+ - Leah Mangrum MEMORIES IN THE MAKING. Angelique Comstock was inducted into Phi Delta after surviving pledge week. Pledge week was a time for new members to get to know each other and the older members. PHI DELTA. 1st row (I tor): Jeff Cash , Kristi Cash, Wendy jl Keene, Steve Home, Leah Barber. 2nd row: Anji ~ V..... Wortham, Susan Castellaw, Jennifer Rein, Kathy Turner, ~ / Natalia Valle, Silvia Bulnes, Cindy Griffith . .3rd row: Lea- ~ , hanna Rogendorf, Jill Lumbrunner, Doug Tracey, Amy ~ ., ./ Hawkins, Grady Howell , Shereen Henry and Angela ~ ~ . Quiroa. · 11 Q SOCIAL C~UBS I