1991-1992 Yearbook

KA RE TA. 1st row (I to r ): Rachel Rich, Krista Neidig, Kinuyo Moss, Trena Moss, Shawn Hicks, Lisa Haley, Jessica Clark, Johnna Jones, Sheryl Hertter, Sara Banta. 2nd row: Tracy Sharp, Shelly Logan, Maria Alfaro, llsia Flores, Christie Mangrum, Marcy Carlton, Shanda Ring, Rena McCarty, Tracy Petty, Neika Paden, Rachelle Gann, Anna Clements, Carla Tipton , Barbie Smith, Marianne Crouch . .3rd row: Crystal Rice, Lisa Madeley, Debbie Hawkins, Shara Marquardt, Anna Tien, Jennie Baker, Stacia Morris, Lynnette Gipson, Dolly Nunley, Lisa Bullard, Marcheta Burke, Jenny Tyree, Stacy Schaffer, Denise Pierce, Paula Garroutte, Michelle Smith , Krista Wheeler. 4th row: Shelly Hasty, Shannon Roach, Kari Pahal, Susan Rice, Jenifer Flasschoen, Keri Alexander, Melinda Yaeger, Kathy Chambers, Anissa Carlyle, Lori Wright Karla McNary, Mistee Kerley, Dan Feeney, Christy Adcox, Matt Mellor, Leslie Hammond, and Julie Clapp. All For A Good Cause Ka Re Ta social club experienced a profitable school year. The members grew closer and welcomed the 1991 pledge class with open arms. Ka Re Ta 's service project was a garage sale for the benefit of His House. Stacia Morris said, " The project was chosen in order to buy things that can be fully ·utilized by His House, such as food items. " Morris also enjoyed the project for its social benefits. She stated, " It's a lot of fun for the club because it gives us another chance to get together as a group and goof-off and enjoy each other's company. We also get to know each other better spiritually and fulfill a good cause. " Shelly Logan agreed. " It brought our club closer together as a whole. We also had a lot of fun doing it. ' ' Julie Clapp enjoyed the aspect of service. She remarked, " We are helping people who are not as blessed in some ways, so it makes me feel good to know someone's life will be better because of me. " Not only did the club 's project benefit the members, but it also helped Harding. President Rena McCarty commented, " It's helped us become better known to the community and has given Harding some positive publicity." The garage sale held in November raised $300 for His House. The club planned to hold one each semester. Ka Re Ta can truly say they have served Harding, the community and God.+ - Laurie Simmons RED, BLUE, OR YELLOW? Ka Re Ta members Carla McNary and Marianne Crouch prepare the paints for the daycare children. They worked each morning with the preschool program in the home economics department. 108 SOCIAL CLUBS