1991-1992 Yearbook

SEMINOLES. 1st row (I to r): Kenwick Thompson, Kris Citty, Thad Hill, Brandon Harrel, Steven Fitzhugh, Rutledge Gordon. 2nd row: David Diffine, Ryan Pace, Marty Hearyman, Kyle Citty, Jason Pace, Brent Heinselman. .3rd row: Scott Humphrey, Henry Hill, Matt Miller, Greg Mashburn, Eric Martin, Jason Winters, Ralph L. Sterling. 4th row: Lee Edwards, Brooks Harrel, Tommy Shoemaker, Chico Ford, Wes Rhoten, Chad Howard. 5th row: Paul Simmons, James Thorton, Jon Newby, Andre Rush, Ryan Derrick, Justin Banker. 6th row: Stuart Proctor, Joe Dugger, Pete Phillis, Jamey Gowen, Jay Baker. 7th row: Shawn Humphrey. Semino{es ~ 0 0 c:r '< ~ ~ ....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ Success After Success With 69 members and 2.3 new inductees, the Seminole warriors closed the book on their inaugural year in a triumphant fashion. Seminoles realized the need for organization and went to work making a name for themselves. To start the semester, Seminoles orchestrated a great pledge week for spectators. . Seminole pledge master, Shawn Humphrey, said, "We took a rare attitude with our pledges and tried to promote and build up their image instead of demoting or tearing them down! I think we really made a name for ourselves in everything, from greeting women and faculty at the Benson Auditorium doors before chapel to 'wooing' them with our infamous Seminole dance!" Other Seminole activities ineluded their first annual fall banquet which consisted of dining at Casa Bonita in Little Rock, preceded by a laserlight show at the Little Rock planetarium. Seminoles also experienced great success in their annual service project. The Seminoles pounded the doors of Searcy as they collected old, unused, extra Bibles. They also took donations and Bibles from fellow students that were matched with contributions from Bible publishing companies. The collected Bibles were sent to Russia. President Dean Priest summed up the year's activities by saying, " Seminoles had an activity-packed year filled with success after success!"+ - Mitchell Johnson JUST ANOTHf:R FACf: IN THf: CROWD. Jason Pace, Lee Edwards, Kyle Citty, Brooks Harrell , Stan Bennett and Shawn Humphrey are pictured in their " Semi - nole Bus. " It was not uncommon during pledge week to see the bus cruising across campus - stopping to entertain girls with their " step dance." 1 Q4 SOCIAL CLUBS ("l Ill (JI ?'