1989-1990 Yearbook

Mu~ic Organization~: Chamber Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Band and Pep Band played on and off campus representing Harding From easy to upbeat sound, Harding's instrumental bands worked to perfect their performances. The Chamber Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Band, and Pep Band continued to provide a variety of musical sounds for everyone. The Chamber Orchestra, directed by Patricia Cox, performed at weddings, banquets, schools, and teas. The orchestra's main performance was in the Homecoming musical, Brigadoon. "For this size college, it is fortunate to have students willing to participate," said Mrs. Cox. Dr. Warren Casey directed both a forty-six member wind Concert Band and a seventeen piece Jazz Band. The Concert Band 's activities consisted of four on-campus performances and a outdoor spring concert directed by students. Dr. Casey reflected, "this year's activities resulted in outstanding musical performances, especially those on our southwest tour." "The student response in chapel indicates that we're playing the music they want to hear," Dr. Casey said of the Jazz Band. Along with the shows in chapel, the Jazz Band performed in other shows and backed Spring Sing performers. The band is Harding's only year-round group. Dr. Casey also directed the Holiday Band which was a group that played during Christmas time. They performed in chapel, at the Capital in Little Rock, and once in the community. The Pep Band consisted of about 20 musicians. It was directed by students Mike Howard and Danetta Townsdin. They played popular 60's and 70's and 80's music. They also played during halftime and timeouts at the men's home basketball games. "The Pep Band is most fun because it involves committed musicians that cooperate to perform .well and support the team," said director Danetta Townsdin. - Cayelynn Osbourne PICCOLO. Michelle Alderson, Concert Band Member, warms up for a performance. The Concert Band had a student-directed spring concert on Harding's campus. - Photo by Sharon Bowles. 104 Endless Opportunities