1987-1988 Yearbook

Vice Presidents Dr. Ted M. Altman holds the position of vice president of student affairs. - photo by Bill Tripp. 170 Vice Presidents Dr. ·Ted M. Altman. Lott R. Tucke1: Jr. r. Ted M. Altman, vice president for student affairs, spent many hours this past summer working on Harding's New Student Code of conduct. He believed that the revising of this code was a significant step toward better communication about Harding and its expectations. Altman stated that committee members worked very hard at improving the quality of life in resident halls as well as food services. Besides attending the Christian College Student Personnel Conference at Oklahoma Christian College, Altman was involved with the National Association of Student Personnel Administration, the Southwest Association of Student Personnel Administration, and the Arkansas Student Personnel Administration . He also served on the Camp Wyldewood board and was an elder at Westside Church of Christ. "My 25 years of service at Harding have already been rewarding and brought me closer to God. Harding continues, more even now, to be a clear, sharp light in a dark world ," said Altman. Lott R. Tucker, Jr. holds the position of vice president of finance. - photo by Bill Tripp. V ice President for Finance Lott R. Tucker, Jr. stayed very busy trying to manage Harding's budget and to maintain the physical facilities, and still fulfill the other responsibilities that he had outside of the role of vice-president. In 1987, Tucker headed up the Searcy Leadership Institute for the Chamber of Commerce. Tucker travelled quite a lot. In July, 1987, he went to Houston for the National Association of College and University Business Officers meeting. Four months later, he was in Memphis attending the National Association of College Auxiliary Services. Community involvement also filled up quite a lot of Tucker's schedule. He was a board member of the Searcy Chamber of Commerce, Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce , and the Searcy Redevelopment Housing Corporation. He was also the secretary/treasurer of Harding Academy in Memphis and served as an elder of the College Church .