1984-1985 Yearbook

fall. John Reese served as the visiting professor of missions for 1984-85. Reese and his wife, both 1974 Harding graduates , came to Harding from Kempton Park , South Africa, where they had done mission work for six years of work in Harare, Zimbabwe . Reese grew up in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, since his parents were missionaries. He lectured four times each semester to freshman Bible classes stressing mission in addition to teaching two sections of Acts and a course in world missions. Dr. Van Tate directed the Mission/ Prepare Program which emphasized mission work at home and abroad. In September "A Taste of Culture" was held in the lobby of the Student Center, "tasted" by those in attendance . The students dressed in native costumes which added College of Arts and Sciences another culture effect. On October 19-21 , Harding was represented by 154 students at the 1984 World Missions Workshop hosted by Oklahoma Christian College. Dr. Don Shackleford and Tom Eddins directed the International Campaigns which are under the oversight of the elders of the College church of Christ. Approximately 90 students in six groups were involved in seven weeks of campaigning during the summer of 1984. Campaigns were conducted in England , Scotland, Italy, Australia and Venezuela . Faculty members involved were Dr. Carl Mitchell, Ava Conley, Tom Eddins , Ted Lloyd , Dr. Kenneth Davis and James Walters . Tom Alexander continued a second year on a leave of absence to work toward the Ph.D. degree in New Testament at Emory University in Atlanta . During the summer of 1984, Richard D. King and Will Ed Warren pursued work toward the M.Th . degree at the Harding Graduate School of Religion in Memphis and Cloer continued work on the D.Min. degree. At the beginning of he 1984 fa ll semester , the name of the intense twoyear, non -college-credit program conducted by the Bible faculty to prepare teachers and other church workers was changed from "Christian Communications Program" to the "School of Biblical Studies. " A record number of students , 54, enrolled this fall, including 22 men in the Kappa class that will graduate on August 3, 1985, and 30 men and two women who enrolled in the Lambda class . Joe Jones directed the School of Biblical Studies and every member of the Bible faculty participated in teaching the classes. During the year the students were prepared to conduct campaigns in Scotland and the Virgin Islands in May. Allen and Cloer held numerous weekend meetings during the year and spent the summer in holding meetings. All other members of the Department were involved with congregations in or near Searcy as e lders, educational directors, Bible teachers or evangelists. f!~ Students and Faculty Share in Biblical Studies. Because of her Christian goals and standards , Harding requires all students to enroll in a Bible course each semester. Will Ed Warren, assistant professor of Bible, and Richard Waggoner, biochemistry major, discuss a passage in the Bible follOWing a freshman course , Old Testament Survey. - photo by James McCreary. L. V. Pfeifer, MTh - Assoc. Professor, Bible Paul Pollard, PhD - Assoc . Professor, Bible & Hebrew Neale T. Pryor, ThO - Professor , Bible & Chairman John Reese, MEd - Visiting Professor, Missions Ed Sanders, MA - Assoc. Professor, Bible Jack Wood Sears, PhD - Professor, Bible Don Shackelford, ThO - Professor, Missions Van Tate, PhD - Assoc . Professor, Missions James Walters, MAR - Asst. Professor, Bible Will Ed Warren, MAR - Assoc. Professor , Bible Bible 179