1984-1985 Yearbook

College of Arts and Sciences DepQrtment of Bib/e , Religion, Qnd Philosophy Serves Entire Schoo/- Basic Purposes Remains Unchanged Throughout Harding's Long History "Harding Co llege was founded to provide Christians the opportunity to achieve their goals of higher eduction in an environment deliberately planned to strengthen Biblical faith and val ues" was the opening statement of reaffirmation of purpose that was developed by the facult y and approved by the Board of Trustees in the fall of 1969. The statement continued, "The College seeks to develop in her students a strong faith in God , genuine Christian character and love for Christ and His church. " When Harding College became Harding Un iversity on August 27 , 1979 , there was no change in this undergoing statement of purpose which was centra l to Harding when she opened her doors as a senior college at Morrilton in the fall of 1924. Since the knowledge of the Bible , the conviction that the Bible is God's word and a commitment to Christ as both Savior and Lord were held essential to achieving the goals of the institution, the Department of Bible , Religion and Philosophy played a very important role in 1984-85. Each student enrolled for nine or more hours per semester , except for the semester of the senior year when the student might be involved in student teaching, fie ld work or supervised clinical practicum , was required to take a Bible course or an approved substitute after at least eight semester hours of tex tual credit had been earned . Because of this , the Bible faculty had contact with a very high percentage of students each semester. For the 1984 fall semester there were 119 declared Bible majors and four Biblical Languages majors . The Department generated 5 ,996 semester hours of credit, exceeded only by the School of Business. During 1983-84 , there were 32 students who graduated with a major in Bible , four wi th a major in Biblical Languages, four with a major in Religious Education and one with a major in Missions. At the close of the 1984 spring semester, Dr . Allan L. Ison was appoin ted Assistant Chairman of the Department , replacing Dr . Carl G. Mitchell who resigned to accept the pos ition of Vice President of Stu - dent Affairs at Pepperdine University , an institution he had served many years as Chairman of the Bible Department prior to joining the Harding faculty in the fall of 1980. Tom Eddins and James Walters directed the Timothy Club whose programs are designed to he lp students planning to preach. All Bible and Bible-related majors were required to attend. Early in the fall James R. Allen, MRE, HhD - Professor, Bible Eddie Cloer, MTh - Ass!. Professsor, Bible Tom Eddins, MTh - Asst. Professor, Bible Conard Hays, MA, BD - Professor, Bible 178 Bible Robert Helsten, MA - Professor, Bible Allan 150m, EdD - Professor, Bible & Acting Chairman Joe Jones , MA - Asst . Professor , Bible & Director, School of Biblical Studies Richard King, MTh - Ass!. Professor, Bible Bill Lambert, MA - Ass!. Professor, Bible Avon Malone. MA - Assoc. Professor, Bible Duane McCampbell, PhD - Professor, Philosophy John McKinney, MA - Assoc. Professor, Greek semester a banquet was held at the Retreat Center of Camp Wyldewood. Programs for the fall semester were presented by Bill J ackson from the Wycliffe Bible Translators, Dr . Larry Long of the English facu lty, Dr. Jack Lewis of the Harding Graduate School of Re ligion and Dr. Rubel Shelly of Nashville, Tenn. Eddie Cloer served as director of the workshops and lectureships trad itionally sponsored by the University . The biennial 13-in-1 Bible Workshop was conducted J uly 30-Aug. 2. Designed to provide Christian training in key areas of service with workshops in Biblical Studies, The I Christian Women, Counseling, The Cradle Roll , Death and Dying, Early Childhood , Local Evangelism, Mental Health , Spirital Life, Topical Studies, Visual Aids , Youth and World Evangelism. More than 1,200 people were in attendance. "Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound" was the theme of the 61st Annual Harding Un iversity Bible Lectureship that was conducted Sept. 30-0 ct. 3. Featured speakers included Jimmy Allen , Neale Pryor, Charles Hodge and J . Wayne Kilpat rick. More then 450 guests registered and 2,500 were in attendance at the closing lecture. "Jesus Calls Us" was chosen as the theme of the 1985 Lectureship next