1983-1984 Yearbook

Department of Sociology and Social Services Department of Speech Communication: It's all Part of Life Louise Pace, M.S.S.W. from the University of Tennessee with A.C.S.W. certification and experience in directing the social work program at Freed-Hardeman College, joined the Harding faculty in August. Dirk Creason, M.S.S.W. from the University of Arkansas Graduate School of Social Work, taught a class on Social Work Methods on Tuesday evenings, commuting from North Little Rock. Although most of the majors in the department were in social work, the department served the needs of students pursuing majors requiring various anthropology and sociology courses and contributed to the general education program through its course in "General Sociology. " Students also worked on a voluntary basis with nearby psychiatric facilities for emotionally disturbed veterans. They also worked with the community in Barriers Awareness Days for the Handicapped. Senior social work majors planned and conducted a one-day seminar in the spring for students·, the com- - Leslie Dowl1s 1. Speaking to the student body, Louise Pace, presents a chapel program about her life. 2. Dr. Bill D. Verkler speaks to one of his classes. 3. Dr. Richard Walker prepares for one of his Speech 101 classes . 110 Social Services munity, and state-wide social agencies. Debbie Hooten was named the Outstanding Social Work Student for 1983. She also received a $1,500 award from Alpha Delta Mu, the national social work honor society, for the best student paper submitted. Mary Shock, director of the social work program, and Miss Pace attended the annual meeting of the Counsel on Social Work Education in Detroit. Dr. Bill Verkler, chairman of the department, presented papers at the meeting of the Mid-South Sociological Association in Birmingham and at the annual meeting of the Arkansas Sociological Association. Dr. Verkler and Miss Shock attended the training session on marriage and family therapy sponsored in Memphis by the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. Dr. Verkler was appointed Southern Regional Membership Director for the Clinical Sociology Association. Dr. Verkler and Miss Shock were granted licensure by the Social Work Licensing Board of Arkansas. Dr. Van Tate was appointed Director of Mission/Prepare at the beginning of the fall semester, replacing Dr. Don Shackelford who wanted to devote more time to teaching and directing the Harding University in Florence (Italy) Program. Dr. Tate attended a Mission Teacher's Workshop in Dallas and the World Mission Workshop in Lubbock, TX. In the fall of 1983, the department had 65 declared majors, 45 of whom were in social work, and the department generated 1, 161 student semester hours of credit. The University graduated 14 social work majors and one sociology major in 1982-83. Providing strong academic majors in drama, mass communications, speech, and speech therapy was only one responsiblity which the Department of Speech had. Helping all students develop effective communication skills was another responsibiltiy which the department took seriously through the general education course required of all graduates. Providing directors of various drama, forensics, and mass communications groups added a third dimension of responsibility which the department filled with distinction. Thre~ major drama productions were presented ' during the year with Morris Ellis and Robin Miller sharing the responsibilities of directing and staging. "Fiddler on the Roof" was presnted in the fall during Homecoming. During the spring semester, "Antigone" and "Between Two Thieves" were presented. Numerous student-directed one-act plays were presented, giving students an opportunity to cast. direct, and stage productions . Dr .Jack Ryan who had developed "Spring Sing" into a fantastic production in conjunction with the "Youth Forum" served again as coordinator of this student-planned and student-produced event. He also directed interested students in interpreters theatre. For fifty years Harding has had outstanding debate and forensic teams. Dr. Patrick Garner served as debate coach and his teams achieved an excellent record in 1983-84. In early De- - Leslie Dowl1s