1982-1983 Yearbook

96!Organizations Division Involvement, a major facet of every student's life, was evidenced by the many groups organized on campus during the year. Despite pressure felt from other obligations, most students found time to become involved in groups which served some special interest or that were related to their major field. Student interests were varied; however, groups were formed to accommodate those interests whether it was the new Commonwealth Singers which allowed even more students to demonstrate their vocal talents or Pi Sigma Alpha, a new society which honored academic excellence in the field of political science. Whether journalistic, spiritual, or academic in nature, the groups included in this section worked together to provide students with a variety of ways to express their individual talents.~ - Nancy Thompson Organizations Editor Organizations Includes Student Association American Studies Program Bison Staff Petit Jean Staff KHCA Staff Music Groups Religious Groups Campaigns lire-professional Groups Special Interest Groups Honor Societies Business Groups Academic Groups 98 100 102 104 106 107 112 113 114 115 117 122 125