1982-1983 Yearbook

A Year Of Renewal The year for TNT and Zeta Rho was a period of renewal. "It was kind of a rebuilding year for us," said TNT member Jim Bradley. Mitzi Thompson, Zeta Rho'president, concurred, " If I had to choose one theme describing our year, it would be that we rebui l t friendships ." The clubs tried to get everyone in- I volved in their activiti es, According to TNT president Mark White, " I was rea ll y pleased I thought some of the older guys wou ld be disinterested, but some guys I never thought would, stepped out to help." The brother and sister clubs also worked on strengthening interclub relations. " There was a renewed effort to draw TNT and Zeta Rho c loser together," noted Bradley. Zeta Rho planned a joint skat ing party for November and during Pledge Week the clubs held speC ial devotionals . After Pledge Week, Zeta Rho held a cookout at Camp Wyldewood. Thompson stated, " The cookout was really neat. 1t seemed like everything . worked out to bring us all closer throughou t the year ." The year began for TNT with a cookout also and a mass date to the home football game afterwards. " It was fun. It was good to get back into things, " said TNT member Charles Dupre. After Pl edge Week, TNT had a hayride at Lavon Ca rter's farm in Letona . Service proj ects f or the c lubs included the SA Book Exchange and fixing up the house of Fern Mil ler. Zeta Rho also co ll ected canned foods for Thanksgiving and Chri stmas baskets to give to needy families . Highlighting TNT and Zeta Rho sports act ivities was the championship club football game which Zeta Rho won.~ 1. Football season is successful for Zeta Rho as they fight a hard battle against Kojies and win the first place troph y. 2. Zeta Rho. 1. Genry-beau 2. Lambert 3. Boyd 4. Waites 5. Robinson 6. Ta ylor 7. Ballinger 8, Johnson 9. McKinney 10. Buchanan 11. Negas-sec. 12. Bradley-beau 13. K. Fowler-beau 14. L. Collier 15. G. Collier 16. Wagner 17. Houk 18. Brazzel 19. Ellis-treas. 20. Glenn 21 . Koonce 22. M. Parkey-beau 23. S. Parkey-devotional direc tor 24. Reik 25. M. Baird 26. Fletcher 27. Goff 28. Jenkins 29. Tate 30. Thompson 31. Jewell 32. Henserling 33. McDonough 34. Glisson 35. Kerri Haughland 36. Kay Haughland 37. M. Fowler 38. Cook 39. Hooten-beau 40. Maynard-president 41. Roseman-athletic director 42. Latham 43. Bettich 44. S. Baird 45. Tolbert 46. Wolfe 47. Merritt 48. Sears 49. Bowling 50. Yoakam 51. Lewis-v. president 52. Deeter 53. Gregory. 3. "Takin' it to the Streets " is Paul Starks, Charles Dupre and Lori Johnson in Spring Sing '82. 4. TNT member Leon Joh'nson shares his baseball knowledge and equi~ ment with a young sports enthusiast. 5. Volleyball action spark s Dave Burton and Bill Nichols to attempt sp ikes. 6. TNT, 1. Boring 2. Wilson 3. Seal 4. Tankersley 5. Miflerchaplain 6. Wood 7. Nichols 8. C. Johnson 9. Dean 10. Gillett 11 . Hines 12. G. Thompson 13. Kays 14. K. Machen 15. Goodspeed 16. Taylor 17. Moore 18. Crowe 19. Genry 20. Hardin 21. Kurabayashi 22. Dees 23. Dupre 24. Lankford 25. Stewart 26. Wheeler 27. Hodges 28. Couch 29. Kyllo 30. Berry 31. Wallace 32. Muncy 33. Horseman 34. Ogburn 35. McCoy 36. Hooten 37. Whitehead 38. Bertich 39. Nossaman-parfimentarian 40. Fowler 41 . L. Johnson 42. Jay Savage 43. Jerry Savage 44. Krug 45. Burton 46. Bryan 47. Spivey 48. Henderson 49. Burcham 50. Tennyson 51 . Parkey-v. president 52. Thrasher 53. Ogburn 54. Cagle 55. T. Thompson 56. _ Chris topher Thompson Holbrook 57. M. Smelser 58. White-president 59. /. Bradley 60. Moody 61. Baker 62. Goldman 63. K. Smelser 64. Cooper 65. Carlock 66. Sears 67. Harris 68. Starks 69. Cole 70. McCreary 71 . Pyland 72. Pryorsponsor 73. Chesther 74. Hensarling 75. Wright-sec. 76. Carey-historian 77. McKinzie 78. McLarty-queen 79. Guifaro 80. Gregoryqueen 81. Henson 82. Peacock- frea s. 83. Malone-sponsor 84. Rushing 85. Dannell86. Holloway-sponsor 8 7. B. Bradley-ath letic direct or. - Shawn Daggetr TNT and Zeta Rho/95