1982-1983 Yearbook

_ John J. Radcliffe campus productions. Because the people involved were so closely related to Campus Players, many of the same workers could be found in the two groups, which meant that many of the same people worked of the group. Maintaining its reputation as a service organization, Pi Kappa Delta sponsored a driving safety class on campus in the fall to teach students to be better and more aware drivers. Another service of the group was on every set or show producedX the sponsoring of a high school Pi Kappa Delta, forensics invitational debate tournament honor fraternity, focused most of held at Harding to encourage stuits efforts on collegiate competi- dent participation and achievetion in debate and individual ment in forensics. The inforspeaking. To be a member meant mative chapel-time "News taking a national initiation test Notes" were periodically brought and participating in seven rounds to the student body through the of individual speaking competi- fraternity, pro v iding three tion and eight debating rounds. minutes of headline news to keep Contributing to campus efforts students better informed. ~ also played a role in the activity Honor societies/121