1982-1983 Yearbook

High School Debate Tournament Sponsored On Campus The national honor soc iety in the field of psychology was Psi Chi , des igned for psychology majors who exce ll ed in academ ic ac hi evement Requi rements for membership included maintaining a 3.0 cumulative CPA and hav ing successfully completed nine hours of psychology c redit The group participated in different field-related act ivities during t he year to keep its members up-to-date on new techniques in psychology. Many trips we re made to Fort Roots, a Veteran 's Administration psychiatric hosp ital in little Rock, where Psi Chi members we re able to tour the facilities and talk w ith superv isors and professional people. Success ive trips afforded them t he opportunity to see the admissions un it, the substance abuse rehabilitation center and several other spec ific areas of the clinic . An official of the hosp ital spoke to t hem on one occasion on the subject of behavioral therapy. A phone conference in the spring brought to the students the know ledge of Dr. Royce Money, a psychology professor at Abil ene Chri st ian Un ive rsity, who spoke to the group concerning the systems theory of family therapy. l ater in the year the group participated in the Arkansas Physcholog ical Association Convent ion in Hot Springs. Several students presented papers writ120/Honor soc ieties ten from excess ive studies in certain areas. Club mixers gave members t he opportunity to get acquainted and to discuss their interests.~ Alpha Delta Mu, the national honor soc iety for social work majors, worked closely with the NACSW (National Association of Chri stia ns in Social Work) throughout the yea r. Originally begun three years ago, this was the fi rs t year the group had been active because of a lack of interest up to this point New enthusiasm was generated, and members participated in a number of activities. Working w ith the NACSW, they promoted the M .A.D.D. campaign (Motorists Against Drunk Drivers). They also sponsored the Res ident of the Month project and v isited the Cummins pri son. President Debbie Hooten was encouraged by the group's new efforts. " I think it will provide a lot of opportunities to lea rn about our profession. I am rea ll y exc ited about it! " Membership in Alpha Delta Mu was based on scholastic achievement Junior or senior socia l work majors with at leas t a 3.2 cumul ative CPA were eligible.~ Alpha Psi, national honorary fraternity of the college thea ter, was in many ways like Campus Players. Requirements for membership included completion of a significant amount of work in co llege theater, maintenance of leadership roles on and off the stage, and work in va rious areas of dramatic efforts for two years or more. Members of the organization spent much of the ir spare time building, directing, des igning, acti ng, publicizing, painting and dramatizing a number of written works. Ac ti v ities of the organization inc luded a reception earl y in the yea r to acquaint incoming students with the work of the University's drama department The group was particul arl y interested in promoting in terest in - John / . Radcl i ffe