1981-1982 Yearbook

IOdds and Endsl Adopt a Brother A service organization on campus which assisted father - less boys in the Searcy area was once again a big success. The B i g Buddy program, overseen by Ed Wilson, continued its many years of excellent work by providing a male image in families which needed thi s particular type of help. The program was run by a committee of participants who planned ac t ivities and arranged the meetings of big and little brothers. The major group funct ion was a massive Chr istmas party held at Searcy's Carmichael Center. There some 40 buddies played games, ate refreshments and received presents from Santa Claus (alias Mike Rivas). Throughout the year most of the college men attempted to get with their little buddy at least once a week to attend basketball Qames, see movies or just have a Coke. Junior Jeff Daniel became a part of the program this year and enjoyed it. " I like to be wi th k ids, " he said. " I felt l ike I could help out someone who didn' t have a father . I've seen the good effect it can have on a kid and wanted to be a part of it. " ~ -Jimmy A lfen - Shawn Oaggelf BIG BUDDIES. Front row: Russell, McClung, K. Collins, Crouch, Killebrew, McClung, Hydron, M. Collins, Clutter. Row 2: Fox, Romine, Bouchareb, O'Neal, Gillette, Miller, Scott Curd, Sleven Curd. Row 3: Sl oellje, Sissom, Carlock, Bradley , Oliver, Davis, Woods, Tennyson, Phillips. Back row: Berry, Frank, Perkins, Braun, Awtrey, Parkey, Glenn, Wilson, Slone, Da niel. Rieke E. Stewart - De. A re, AR. Physical Education. John Mark Stinnett - Jack. on, MO. Bible and Religion. Kappa Tau Omega. Spiritua l Life Director. Campaigns. May. Northwest. Utah; Kappa Deihl Kappa Beau; Int ramural s; Intercol legiate Swimming; Orchestra; Timothy Club; World Evangelism Fo rum. Gregory Scott Stone - Flint, MI. Biology. A lpha Tau Epsilon. Devot ional Di rec tor. Band, Concert , Marchi ng. Pep. Stage: Big Buddies: IntTamurals: Pre·Med Club. Vanessa Lynn Stormes· Heber Springs , AR. Office Administ rati on. Regina. Band. Concert , Marching. Flag Corps. Clint Merrill Stotts· Williamstown, WV. Psychology. TTlmsfer from Ohio Valley Coll ege. Ronda Ela ine Street _M.emphls , TN. Music Education. TereN Faye Stretch - Longmont, CO. Physical Education. J ame. Randall Stuart _Teaarkana, TX. Management. Kimberly K . Styron - HOUl ton , TX. Mass Communications. Jeffrey Lester Sublett · North Little Rock , AR. Man8gement. WIlliam Barry Sullivan· Overland, MO. Speech. Theta To!Iu Delta. Bl lon Staff. Reporter; Dramatics; Intramurals: Intercollegiate Speech Arts: KHCA Staff. Sales Director; Young Republicans: Psychology Club. WIIJlam Russell Summers · McMinnville, TN. Chemistry. Intramu ral s. Karen Eileen Surber - Cincinnati, OH. Special EdUCo!ltion. Phi Del ta. Spring Sing Director . Vice Pres ident, President. Chic8go Mission Team: Dramatics, Brlg.doon, Sound of Music: JOY; SNEA: Spiritual U fe Comm ittee: Stepping Out . Arthur Marvin Sutherland· Hampton, VA. Bible. Tro!lnsfer from University of Texas. AGO. Conquerors; KHCA Staff: Timothy Club; World Evangelism Forum: Young Republi cans. Elaine Marie Sutton· Burn. Flat, OK. SpeCial Education. Kappa Phi. Devotional Director. Alpha Chi: Big Sisters: 18mbda Sigma Queen: Cross Country; Kappa Delta Pi: Resident Assistant. Julie Lynn Swan· Bloomi ngton, IL. Speech. Alpha Chi; Alpha Psi Omega; C8m· pus Players: Dramatics; Intramur81Speech Arts: Readers Theater; Sigma Tau Delta: Who 's Who. Kathy Ann Swan _Bal ch, AR. Special Education. Kappa Phi. Dean 's Ust. Rebecca L. Swartwood - Woodbr idge, VA. Elemenl aT)' Education and Account· ing. Theta Psi . Flag Corps; Kappa Delta Pi; KHCA Staff, News Announcer: Orchestra: SNEA. Janette Gay Sykel - Paris, TN. Music Education. A Cappella. Vice President; Band, Concer t , Marching. Pep; International Co!Impalgns; Who's Who. Thoma. Alfred Tabor - Tucker, GA. Management. Transfer from Alab8ma Chris· tian College. Chi Sigm8 Alpha. Intercollegillte Basketball, Tennis. Klmba Lee Taylor · Jack son, TN. Nursing. Transfer from Freed·Hardeman Col · lege.OEGE. Terri aayle Taylor · Bartlesville, OK. Bible. Regina. Athletic Director. Cam· paigns. Internat ional, May: Chorale: Chi Sigma Alpha Queen; Intramural AII·Star: Timothy Club. Charle. Vincent Teach. Searc y , AR. Special Education. Donna Lorene Thedford · Syracuse, NY. Special Education. John Henry Thee, Jr• . Windermere, FL. Genero!ll Science. Theta To!IU Delta, Presi· dent . Al pha Chi; Mo!Iy Campaigns; Trl Sigmo!l Del ta Beau: Intramural AII·Stllr; Pre· Dental C I ~b; Academic Affairs Committee. Schol -Thee 147