1981-1982 Yearbook

Eric WIlliam Schol· Pine Bhdf, AR. Biology. Tronsfer from University of Arkon· sos ot Monticello. "'-rllyn Ruth Sewell· EI Dorado, AR, American Studies. Zeto Rho, Vice Presl· dent, President. Barristers; Campaigns, May, lowo; Young Republicons. Davene Andrea Sexton· Detroit, MI. Accounting. Transfer from Mlchlgion Chris· tion College. JOY; Pi Gamma Psi; Dean's list. Donna Joy Shackelford· Searcy. AR. Nursing. Omega Phi. Secretary, Vi~ Presi· dent. Big Sisters; Campaigns, International, Northwest, Spring Break; JOY, Choir· man; May Queen Attendont; Resident Assistont; Student Nurses Association; Univer· sity Singers; Who's Who; World Evangelism Forum, Secretary. Tracy Lou Shacklett· Marietta, GA. Accounting. GATA, Historian . American Studies; Delta Mu Delta; French Club; Pi Gammo Psi , Secretory. Paul Edwin Shelton - McKinney. TX, Physical Educotion. SIIra Anne Sheridan· Silver Spring, MD. Music. Omega Phi. Alpha Chi; Band, Concert, Marching; Orchestra; University Singers. Timothy A. Shoaf· Whites Creek, TI'I . Biology. edith Melinda Simpson - Tupelo, MS. Music Education. Regina, Secretary, Vice President. Alpha Chi; Band, Concert, Marching, Pep, Rifle Corps, Capltlin; Com· paigns, Internationtll, May; Chorale; Kappa Delttl Pi; Orchestra, librtlrian. John Jamu Simpson. Memphis. TI'I. Kappa Sigmtl Kappa. Tri Kappa Club Beou; Society for Advancement of Managemenl. Tomas A. Sitton· Avondale Estatu. GA. American Studies. Kappa Sigmtl Kap· pa. Intercollegiate Sports, Track, Cross Country. Lawton Lamar Skipper. Jr • SIIrasota, FL. Management. Knights. Cenark Stu· dent Grotto; Ke Re Ta Club Beau; Intercollegiate Swimming; Society for Advtlnce· ment of Monagement. Carol Ann Smith· DunCllnvllle, TX. Accounting. Alpha Chi; American Studies; Campaigns, International; Deltt1 Mu Delta; Free Enterprise Economics Team. Cheri lynn Smith· UttJe Rock, AR. Marketing. Shantlh, Historion. Bison Staff, Report er; JOY; Young Republi cans. Claudette G. Smith· Searcy, AR. Elementary Education. Big Sisters. David Paul Smith· Haverton, PA, Business Systems Analysis. Transfer from Northeastern Christltln Jr. College. Alphtl Chi; American Studies; Delio Mu Delta; Dattl Processing Monogement Assoc itltion; SelIrcy Steel Soccer Club, Captoin. Eugene Sidne.y Smith III - DuncanYille, TX. Chemistry. Alpha Oammo Omego, President, Vice President, Treosurer. A Coppella; Alpha Chi; Ctlmpaigns, Australitln, Internat ional: Intercollegia te Swimming; Orchestra, String Ensemble; Pre·Med Club; Timothy Club; World Evangelism Forum, President, Vice Presi dent; All Star College Bowl Team; White County Joil Ministry; Detln's list. Heather Leah Smith· Searcy, AR. Accounting. Tr~msfer f rom Orange Coast Col· lege, CA. Betti Tau Gammtl, President. Campaigns, Indiano; JOY; Pi Gammll Psi. Hermette Keona Smith - Searcy. AR. Physictll Educotlon. Tofebt, Vice President, Devotional Director ; Band, Concert, Marching; Beta Phi Club Queen; Intrtlmufals. AII·Sttlr, Jtlcket Winner; Intercollegiate Cross Country, Trtliner; PEMM Club, Presi· dent; SA Committee. "'-rk A. Smith· Ubertyvllle., IL. Mllntlgemenl. Alpho Omega. Intramurllis. l'Iancy Elaine Smith· Uttle Rock, AR, Accounting. Chi u.mbda Chi, Secretary, President. Campaigns, Moy, Northeast; Alpha Oammo Omega Club Queen; Con· querors; Pi Gammtl Psi; Society for Advancemen t of Monagement. Randall Jamu Smith - Clinton, AR. Accounting. Sigma Ttlu Sigma. Alpha Chi; Americtln Studies; Cllmpaigns. Spr ing. Break. Sue Ellen Smith· England. AR. Physictll Education. Tofebt, Vice President, Alletlc Dire<:tor. Band, Marching; Ctlmpaigns. May; Intramurels, AII·Star; JOY; May Queen Attendan t ; PEMM Club; SNEA. Teresa Ann Smith _Cro.s Plain., TI'I. Home Economics. Chi Alpha Rho, Spiritual Lellder; Compoigns, Spring Bretlk; Sigmtl Tau Sigma Club Queen. Janlfer SUAn Smithey • Garland. TX. Elementtlry Eductltion. Omega Phi. Athletic Director , President. Dee Ellen Snook· SIIlem, AR. Nursing. JOY; Nursing Honor Society; Student Nurses Associtltion; Young Republicons. Melodle Kim Sparks. Walls, MS. Accounting. Transfer from Northwest Mississip· pi Junior College. Zeto Rho. Deltll Mu Delttl; Pi Gtlmma Psi. Mary Lynne Spencer. Lafayette, IN, Public Relotions. Zeta Rho, Secrelory. Big Sisters; Bison Stllff, Reporter; Ctlmpaigns, International ; JOY; Society from Ad· voncement of Ma1lllgement; SocIety for Collegitlte Journolists; Spanish Club; University Singers. Michael l. Spillman· Judsonia, AR, Elementtlry EdUClltion. King 's Men. Thetll Psi Club BeiliU; Intromurals. Michael Herman Spurlock· Searcy, AR. Accounting. Thetll Tau Delta. In· trtlmurals; Intercollegiate Trtlck; Detln's List. Steven Lynn Stamatls· Staten Island, I'IV. Bible. TNT. Big Buddies; Campaigns, Russian; Intramurllls; SA Closs Representlltlve; Timothy Club; World Evongeli sm Forum. Holly Jaye Stanger· Uvonla, MI. Special Education, Shantih. Deborah Ann Stanley. Searcy, AR. Specilll Educlltion. Chi Alpha Rho. SNEA, Vice President; University Singers. John Randal Stanley - l'Iashvllle, TI'I, Accounting. Koinonia, Treasurer, Presl· dent. Alpha Chi; American Studies; Centlrk Student Grotto; Delta Mu Delltl. Karla Belinda Starling - Arnold, MO. Home Economi cs. Randall Clyde Steele - Searcy. AR. Physical Education. Bucconeers, Athletic Director. PEMM Club. John WIlliam Stein, Baltimore, MD. Biology. Bonnie Ellen Stevens· Marshall, TX. Public Relations. Joyce Stevens· Bennington, VT. American Studies. Rebecca Jean Stewart· Powhaten, AR, English. Tofebt . Se<:rettlry. French Club. 146 · Seniors