1981-1982 Yearbook

always ran, and it's a good time for relaxing and just thinking. Sometimes I use it as my quiet time. " Wendy's running has gone beyond the mere drudgery practiced by many to lose a few pounds or gain a little shape. As a freshman, she faithfully jog· ged about 100 miles a month. This was eventually capped by a 12 mile jaunt, which she calls her longest continuous run ever. Although she does not thrive on the competitive aspect of her sport, Wendy has participated in Searcy's Race Street Rambl e as well as a three mile race in Little Rock. In August, graduation will become a reality for this woman who has found her name on many a Harding ballot. Next comes an elementary teaching position, hopefully in the fourth grade. But now is a time of looking back for Wendy. And her memories are pleasant ones. "These have probably been the best four years of just enjoy· ing life ever for me," she said. " And they 've been a great spiritual blessing too." " I k<oo<lw before I came that Harding was the best place to be, and I knew it had some problems. Even though sometimes you feel lost in the crowd. the good times r ise far above the others. The times I've taken advantage of my spiritual opportunities have been the Melvin Duane Hili • Fluahlng, MI. Nursing. T ita ns. Conquerors: Intramur!!ls. All· Stors: lnter<:ollegiote Bilsetnill . Footb!!lI: Student Nurses Assoc)!! tion. Gina Marie Hodel · l"Iaplervllle, IL. Busi ness. Darlene Sue Hodgea • Starkville, MS. Ameri<:an Studies. Tri ·Koppa, Devotion!!1 Dire<:tor. Athleti<: Dire<:tor. Alph!! Chi: Ameri<:an Studies: C!!mpaigns, Northe!!st, Ne.... Jersey: JOY : May Queen Attend!!nt: Resident Assistont: Sponish Club: Who's Who. Lajarle Marque Hogan. KoUebue, AK. Social Sden<:e. Tofebt. Alpho Chi; Ameri<:on Studies: BlInd, Mor<:hing: Oo<:tylology Club: K.!Ippo Delt!! Pi: Phi Alplul Thet.!l: Res ident Asslst!!nt; SNEA. Joy Denlae Hogge· Ft. Collins, CO. Psy<:hology. Tr!!nsfer from Univers ity of Northern Colofodo. Beto T!!u Gomm.!l. Drom!!U<:s; Psi Chi: R. H. Thornton Spee<:h Contest Finalist. Andy E. Holder · Searcy, AR. Music Educ!!tion. Chi Sigm.!l Alpho. A Coppell!!: Belles .!Ind Beoux: C.!Impoigns. Intern.!lt ionol. May; C!!mpu' Ployers; Chomber Singers: Chorllle: Dromotics; Spring Sing Host; Universi ty Singers. Luanne Holland · Malibu, CA. Nursing. OEGE, Tre.!lsurer. B.!Ind, Con<:ert; C.!Im· paigns, Northwest, Spr ing Bre!!k; Club Queen, King's Men: French Club: JOY: Resi· dent Assistont; Student Nurses Associ.!l t ion. Gary Paul Holliman - Bartieavllle, OK. A<:<:ountln9. Sub T·16, Tre.!lsurer. Ameri<:an Studies: Ju Go Ju Beau: Free Enterprise E<:onomlcs Tellm, Co·chairmen: Pi Gomm.!l Psi; Res ident Assistont; Society for Advan<:ement of Monogement. Bradford Owen Holioway - Pine Bluff, AR. Soci.!ll Work. Alplul Tau Epsilon, Athletic Di rector . Koppa Delio K.!Ippa Club Beou; Intromurols, Assistont to Director, AII·Stor; Inter<:ollegiote BlIseb.!llJ; N!!tionol Associotion of Christions in Sociol Work, President. Martha Jane Holt - Richmond, MO, A<:<:ounting. Tr.!lnsfer from Oklahomo Chri s· ti!!n College. Tofebt, Devotion!!1 Director. ArT)eri<:.!In Studies: Compaigns, Northe.!lst. Steven Michael Honnen· Uncoln , NE. Bible. Trllnsfer from York College. TAG, President. Da<:tylology Club; T imothy Club; World Evongelism Forum. Brian Keith Hooker . Salem, VA. Elementory Educotion . Tltons. Debbie Ann Hooten· Amarilio, TX, Psychology. Mark Brandon Honley - Madlaon, IN. Transfer from Northe.!lstern Christi.!ln Col· lege. Americon Studies; Phi Alph!! Thet.!l; Resident Assist.!ln!. Millie Carol Horseman· Florence, AL. Spe<:ial Educotion. Shantih . Alpho Chi: Campaigns, M.!IY, Northwest; Dadylology Club. Patricia Diane Houaer . Eagle River. AK. Voo:otionol Home Ec:::onomic:s. Kirei. AHEA; Big Sisters; Compoigns, Spring Bre.!lk; Cenork Student Grotto: JOY: SNEA; University Singers. Harland Zane Howard - Clyde. TX. Business. George B. Howell · Belgrade, MT, BusinessMa nagement. K.!Ipp.!l Sigmll Kappa. In· tr.!lmuro]" Intercollegl.!lte Footboll; So<:Jety for Adv!!n<:ement of Manllgemen t ; University Singers. Ronda Jeanette Huddleston · Hearne, TX. Nursing. Tr.!lnsfer from Abilene Chris. tion University. Phi Delio, Histori.!ln. Compaigns, May; JOY; Student Nurses Associ.!l· tion. Ruthann Hudaon . Morton, PA, Nursing. Delto Chi Omeg.!l, President, Archive Chllirmon, Spirit Ch.!lirm.!ln. Alpho Chi: JOY; Student Nurses Associ.!ltion; NlltioMI Dean's List: DI!.!In·s list. Terri Lu Hughes · Carutheravllle, MO. Art. Chi Alpho Rho. Alpho Chi; Ar t GUild: K.!Ippa Delt.!l Pi: K.!Ippa Pi: Resident Assi st!!nt. Deborah Kay Hunt· Cyprus, TX. Art. Tr.!lnsfer from Abilene Christ illn ond Lub. bock Christ ion. Art Guild; Compoigns, North....est, London; Koppo Pi, Pattie Joe Hunter· Tupelo, AR. Elementory Educ.!lt ion .!Ind Kindergorten. Chi "Ipha Rho. Bi g Sisters; Cheerlellder; JOY. Debbie Lynn Hutaell • Ft. Worth, TX. Nursing. Blair Kevin Isenberg - South Wllilamaport, PA. Music Educotion. Chi Sigmo Alpha. A Tempo; Bond, Concert, Mor<:hlng, Pep, Stoge; Compaigns, [nternotionol, Northeost; Ch.!lmber Singers; Chorole. Secretary, Vi<:e President; Intrllmurals; Or· <: hestro. best times of my life." Parting brings that sweet sorrow that makes life great and yet so hard. Leaving behind her club, Zeta Rho, and all her many friends isn't easy. "Harding is something I'll never forget. I want to come back through and visit often because I've made friends that are forever." ~ -JimmyAllen Grimes·lsenberg 137