1981-1982 Yearbook

Andrea Lou Grima · Broken Arrow, OK. Business Management. Bete Tillu Gam· rno!l, Reporter. Campaigns, Australil!m; Resident Assist""I ; University Singers; Society for Advancement of Mllnagement . Am)' Louise Groves· Oakfield, TN. Secretllrial Science. Michael Dale Guy · !"Ie_hall, CA. Social Science. Transfer from College of the c,!lnyons. Alph.!! Tllu Epsllon. Dramatics; Phi Alphll Thelo. Dawn leslie Hall· little Rock, A.R. Nursing. C/lmpelgns. International, Spring Brtllk; JOY; Resident Assistant: Student Nurses Associlltlon. John Bruce Hall . Little Rock, AR. Computer Applications. Cllmpaigns, Inlernational, Group Leader ; Computer Center Stilff. Melanie Jane Harding. Glenwood, AR. Physical Education. William Swnley Harding · CileRwood, AR. Psychology, King's Men. Psi Chi. Terri Deane Harmon· Merriam, KS. Physical Education. Tri Sigs. Vice President. Historian. Campaigns. May. Stepping Out; IntrtlmUTllls. AII·Stllr. Jtlcket Winner; In· tercollegitlte Softbllll; PEMM Club; Resident Assistant; SA Class Representative; SA Committee Chllirman, Physical Plant. Jacqueline L. Harris . Faribault, MN. Nursing. Kimberly Sue Hart· Coolville, OH. Psychology. Trllnsfer from Michigan Christian College. Shllntih. Resident Assisttlnt. Deborah Mae Haught· Stockport, OH. English. Transfter from Ohio Valley Col · lege. Alpha Chi; French Club; Sigmll Ttlu Delta. Phillip Neal Hays· Searcy, AR. Psychology. Psi Chi; Timothy Club. Teri Lynn Hazelip· Birmingham, AL. Specitll Educlltlon. Trllnsfer from Alabamll Christitln College. Zeta Rho. Athletic Director. Intrilmurllls; Kllppa Delta Pi; May Queen Cynthia Ann Hearn· Harrison, AR. Elementary Education. GATA. President. Ctlmptligns. Spring Break; Kllpptl Deltll Pi. Jeffrey Lewis Hearn· HarTllon, AR. Accounting. Titans. Americtln Studies; Ctlm· ptligns. Iowa; Jntrllmurals; Pi Gllmma Psi; Society for Advancement of Management . Nancy Ann Henley · Bridgeton, MO. Economics. Tri Sigmll Delta. Historian. American Studies; JOY; Society for Advancement of Manllgement; SA Committee Chairman; Young Republicans. Keith Randan Henlarllng • Smithfield, TX. Economics. Dennll Olenn Henlley • E. Peoria, IL. Social Work. Klng's Men. Hot Line Staff; Nlltional Associlltion of Chrlstillns in Socilll Work. Pamela Jo Hell' Uxlngton, KY. Nursing. Chi umbeltl Chi . Camptligns. Mtly. Northetlst; JOY; Student Nurses Association; University Singers. John K. Hewitt· Mabelvale, AR. Biology. Tammy Denise Higdon . Wichita, KS. Special Educatlon. Shantih. Secretary. President. KapptI Delttl Pi; MIlY Fete Representtltive. Marve Higginbottom· Bentonville, AR. Business Management. Society for Ad· vancement of Management. Rebecca Jo Hlgglnl . Jonelboro, AH. Marketing. Transfer from Arkanslls Stllte University at Jonesboro. Zetll Rho. Society for Advancement of Management; Dlita Processing Majors Assoc iation. Penny Gae Hightower . Mt. Plea..nt, TX. Business Management. Phi Delta. President. Athletic Director. Americlln Studies; Delta Mu Deltll ; Free Enterprise Economics Team; Intramurllls; JOY; May Fete Royalty; PI Gamma Psi ; Society for Advancement of Manllgemenl ; Dean's List; Nalional Dean's Ust. Marvin Dale Hili • Flulhlng. M•• Nursing. Titans. Intramurals, AlI·Star; Inter· collegiate Baseball . Football ; Studenl Nurses Association. 136 · Seniors ISpotl ightl Wendy McDonough For a sweet, humble, Southern belle from Selma. Ala .• Wendy McDonough has seen quite a bit, done quite a bit and been awarded quite a bit in her four year Harding career. Leaving behind the streets of Selma and a very close family situation was a major adjust· ment for the elementary education major. Wendy had no trou· ble getting in good with her peers, however, as she was named Winter Festival repre· sentative in her first year on AS WENDY gets ready for her daily run, the thought of running free brings a smile to her face. campus. From that time till this, honors have flooded her way. I Included in the impressive list are senior class homecoming representative, Knight's queen, Petit Jean queen nominee and Regina Spirit Award reCipient. In reference to one of these prizes she said, 'The Knights have meant a lot to me. They allowed me to branch out and have been tremendous. They'r special." In the middle of all the awards, Wendy has found time to run and run and run. " I love to run distance, " she said. "My dad and brothers