1979-1980 Yearbook

·, • Art students view, create exhibits With 17 senior art majors presenting their individual art shows required for the baccalaureate degree, little time was left for numerous outside exhibits. Those exhibits that did find gallery time were those of the National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylic, Weavers Guild, Woodcarvers of Arkansas and Old Bergen Art Guild. 'The main thrust of the Art Guild is to help the students in the department to get to know each other better and spend more time together.' - Jim Grady Also presenting an exhibit was Kappa Pi, an international honor society for art students. On display in the Stevens Art GalJery were 50 to 60 pieces, January 20-26. Art Initiation ceremonies for new members and dinner took place each semester. During Spring Sing week the society sponsored Art Fest, an art contest open to all students . Oklahoma tour The group visited Oklahoma in the fall, touring the Cowboy Hall of Fame and the Willowrock Museum and visiting six galleries on their stops in Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Bartlesville. For any art major or minor who wished to be a part of the organization, Art Guild offered an alternative or an addition to Kappa Pi. This year the Guild sought to include more activities that were educational for Guild members. Their visits to museums and other places which displayed art were secondary, however, to the main purpose of the club. "The main thrust of the Art Guild," said President Jim Grady, "is to help the students in the department to get to know each other better and spend more time together./I In that thrust, Guild members had a Christmas dinner at Mrs. Elizabeth Mason's home. Paul Pitt, who taught ceramics and drawing for several years, was on leave for 1979-80 pursuing the MFA degree in ceramics at Memphis State University. James LaRue, former teacher of art at Harding Academy, replaced Pitt. Award-winning SID Stan Green, teacher of advertising art and director of public relaKAPPA PI members Karen Tibbals, lulie Sink, Glenda Buchanan and Gwen Rogers arrange jewelry for the Kappa Pi art show.