1978-1979 Yearbook

l Clouseau of the "Pink Panther" series of movies. Very recent award winners were also viewed with the showings of "Rocky" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind ." Probably more active than it has ever been, the Spiritual Life Committee promoted and encouraged spiritual growth and development. Increasing the size of the committee, chairman Jonathan Cloud tried to encourage members to become "expert" in a particular area of concern seen as most pressing by the individual. From the concerns of the members arose subcommittees designed to attack a specific "problem" and seek ways to resolve it. Subcommittees were responsible for the establishment of service projects such as small choral groups organized to sing for homes for the elderly. A subcommittee was also responsible for the "Prayer Enrichment Seminar" conducted - ._ I , . ., ...... ".j " ., student association ..., student association ~ student association November 9-10 with Albert Lemmons, formerly of Williamstown Bible College, doing the speaking. Approximately 900 students representing one-third of the student body were in attendance as Lemmons provided insight concerning prayer and fasting. "How can it be done? What do you do to increase the spirituality when you go to chapel everday?" Finally it was decided from which direction to approach the persuing of his goal. Everything centered around student-oriented service. "To sum it up," explained "I wanted the spiritual side of Harding to emerge. If the students could see Harding in a positive way, they would see the spiritual things. I think we've done that ..." Ross Cochran Speaking about his role as S .A. preSident, Ross Cochran stated, "I wanted the spiritual side of Harding to emerge. I knew it was there but I really didn't know how to do it." Trying to establish a plan to accomplish his goal was what he thought on all summer recalled Cochran . He asked himself, Cochran, "I decided, if we can bring the positive side, if we can let the students see Harding in a positive way, they'll be able to see the spiritual things. They'll be able to see the things they need to see, because they're here! . . . I thought if we could just be positive the whole year . ~ student association ~ student ~ then we would be all right. ~. Over all, I think we've done g. that." = 1. HUMORED by a pre-meeting jbke, Martha Moore smiles. 2. ATTENTIVEL Y, S.A. spo~sor Dr. Jerome Barnes listens to the Monday night discussion . 3. S.A. OFFICERS. Sitting: Secretary Sarah Fitzgerald. .Standing: President Ross Cochran, Vice-President Kenny Stamtis, Treasurer Bruce Nunnally . 4. SPECIAL PROJECTS CHAIRMAN Terry Casey sells Bison Fever towels in the studen{~enter . 5. S.A. REPRESENTATIVES. Front row: Bible, Faulkner, Peck, Moore , Posey. Back row : Stamatis, Lee , England, Justus. 6. ANNOUNCING the twenties theme coffee house, Eddie Blackshear and Anne Martin cooperate in giving details during chapel. 7. S.A. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN. Front row: Martin, Faulkner, Cloud, Watson. Back row: Casey, Osburn, Hurley, Long. 8. DISCUSSION arises between Bruce Nunnally and Chuck Posey concerning a motion on the floor. - , fIl f .... ~ fIl o (') 6;- g. = , Student Association ~ 105