1978-1979 Yearbook

.: sjuden1.assm;iatlQn ... mtdent a~ociAtio . .... tudmtAs~o.cJa.J.ion'" studenCassoj;Jation ... student association ... c o -= .!!l g ~ ... C QI "C ::s ... <Il ... C QI "C .a <Il With a whirlwind of activities filling the first week of the . 1978-79 school year, Harding's StudentAssociation Executive Council embarked on a year aimed at enhancing the spiritual atmosphere on campus. Traditional social activities were carried out by the S .A. along with spiritually directed ones. The yearly watermelon party at Alumni Field functioned as the first official duty of the four executive officers and nine representatives that make up the Council. Highlighting the first week, however, were two diverse, allschool functions. On Wednesday night in the old gymnasium, students packed in from wall to wall and were given a glimpse of what the year could be like if it followed 104'" Student Association suit. With Harding's pep band playing the school fight song, students were introduced to the Bison football team and the officers of the Student Association. Then the feverish mob roared with the antics of the "Cheerbillies" and were finally relieved from the muggy heat with free ice cream. Ending the week was the allschool retreat at Wyldewood conducted by the World students served on the committees that worked in areas from movies and lyceums to academic affairs. The Public Relations/Advertising committee, headed by David Osborn, promoted activities and informed the stu- . dent body on matters of interest being sponsored by the S.A. Using a portable, illuminated sign in front of the student center, the committee coffee houses in the student center. Meisburg and Walters were presented in the Main Auditorium on Thursday and Friday nights, August 24-25, replacing the Wright Brothers after four consecutive years of first-week concerts. Bringing both old and new to the campus, the Movies Committee, directed by Bob Freels, showed a large variety of Striving to bring out the best Evangelism Forum and cosponsored by the S.A. More than 400 people were present as Jim McGuiggan of the Sunset School of Preaching spoke on Discipleship. Throughout the year the ten standing committees of the Student Association carried out their duties in service to the students. Approximately 90 reinforced its other advertising efforts of leaflets and posters. As a result, many events saw record crowds in attendance. Social activities and entertainment were overseen by the Student Activities Committee (SAC) and the Movies Committee. Chaired by Melanie Watson, the SAC brought concert groups and individuals to the campus and also produced popular films. Classics such as "Vanishing Point," "Psycho" and "Lilies of the Field" lead the way in the area of hightension drama . Comedy relief was provided by Abbott and Costello in their famous "Who's on First," the all-childcast movie "Bugsy Malone," Don Knotts in "The Reluctant Astronaut" and also by the incomparable Inspector