1971-1972 Yearbook

AHfA. FRONT ROW: Wide I, Perry, Fuller, Cunningham, Talley, Stewart, Mallery. SECOND ROW: Robinson, Wooton , Williams, Toll , Bledsoe, Zeps, langston, Bristow. THIRD ROW: Hickerson, Mahan, Taylor, Starling, Holderby, Jance, Browning. FOURTH ROW: Mill ican, Case, Hoy , Inman, Smithey, Deacon , Rix, Cash . FRONT ROW: Almand, Arnold, Martin, Dale. SECOND ROW: Adams, lucas, Moore, C. Smith, Polk. Foxx, Hargett, Davis, Garner, Casey. FOURTH ROW: Roper, Guyer, Ferguson, lowe. FIFTH ROW: (sponsor), Rhodes, Killgore, S. Smith, Hopper. DEPARTMENTAL NEA Membership requested by SNEA for national voice Reaching for more voice in national activities, the Student National Education Association vot ed to present a request to the National Education Association asking for the right to be recogni zed in NEA. They later participated in their first conference with six states. Members of the French Club planned to travel throughout France with their sponsor, Dr. Winfred Wright, in a campaign effort during the summer of 1972. The Arkansas Home Economics Association's Santa's Workshop centered around sending canned goods to families on welfare. Each of the members also took Christmas cards to nursing homes for the patients to send to loved ones. Monthly discussions relevant to the field of music offered the Student Music Educators National Council advancement in its musical interests. PACKING canned foods to be delivered to a famil y on welfare are members of AHEA. 175