1969-1970 Yearbook

11111.1. FRONT ROW: Flowers, Reagan, Cooke. SECOND ROW: Brant, Gifford, Eubanks (sponsor). DO.TA. FRONT ROW: Lavender, P. Edwards. SECOND ROW: Pierce, Glfner. THIRO ROW: Dockery, Sigmund, Eubanks (sponsor), ...... ). NATIONAL HONOR GROUPS Iota Beta Sigma emphasizes development of local chapter The major tasks of lola Bela Sigma were involved in helping the local chapter to become fully operational. After prospective members were selected, they were required to pass the Federal Communication Commission's third class broadcasting test for final admission. Pi Kappa Delta conducted educational forums on three relevant topics this year. The Arkansas Constitutional Convention was the subject of the first forum and later in the semester Congressman Wilbur Mills spoke to the group . In the spring the Arkansas State Speech Festival was hosted at Harding College. 183