1969-1970 Yearbook

POLITICAL GROUPS Lectures on Constitutional ism sponsored by political group The Harding chapter of the Young Americans for Freedol11 was essentially a conservative, nonparti san political group. The promotion of Consti - tutional government and indiv idual rights con - stituted its bas ic purpose along with providing an acceptabl e avenue of expression for young persons within the sys tem of the collegiate community. At its bi -monthly meetings speakers lectured on subjects dealing with the Constitution and Constitutional Law. The organi za tion conducted a fund - ra ising campa ign in the spring, sh owing popula r motion pictures plus a documentary film obta ined from th e National Educati on Program, to h elp support the sta te YAF ch a pter . Periodi c trips to Little Rock were necessa ry to attend the state board meetings wher e sta te-wide plans wer e formulated . As its project, the g roup ass isted in the publication of The Essence, the state YAF paper which dealt with current state and national issues . INFORMAL discussions -by student leaders concerning upcoming projects and events are a regu lar occurence within the group. 182