1967-1968 Yearbook

Hank McDanie l Transfer from Pensacola junior college , S.A. enterta inment cha irman, Belles and Beaux student d irector, Alpha Psi Omega , The Guild, A Cappella Chorus, Collegiale Players, Best Support ing Actor. Carolyn Medearis .. English major, advertising co-chairman and Freshman and Sophomore representative to the S.A., Collegiate Players, Secretary of Regina. Judy Pentecost Campus Players, Chorole, Advertising co-chairman for !'he S.A. 188 Ronn Rubio _ Junior mathematics major, Bison football team, Irack, past president of Galaxy, past beau of Omega Phi , co-choir. man of ACT. Maryefta Sandley .. English major, Bison staff, Big Sisters, past president of Phi Delta. \ Mark Miller .. General Science major, Belles and Beaux, A Cap· pella, past vice-president of Freshman doss. Mih O'Neal . . Accounting major, Intercollegiate Business Gomes, transfer from O.e.e., Alpha Chi, Ganus Award 1967, Treasurer fo r Pi Gamma Psi, American Studies, S.A. president, past president of Young Republicans. Garry Parrish American Studies, Theta Psi club beau, track, intramural awards. all-star soft· ball.