1967-1968 Yearbook

Who 'sWho As the enrollment ~rows a tl-Iardin~. the in c rease in campus leaders a lso gr ows. Thi s yea r th e re was an unprecedented 29 ch ose n to be incl ud ed among Who's Who in American Co lie""s and UniL'ersilies . a nati onal li sting of outstanding coll ege m en and women. Both th e Stucient Assoc ia t ion counc il a nd the fa culty pla y a role in the selec tion of thi s g roup. ",ith the final a pproval gi ven by th e publica tion . Criteria for inc1us ion in tl1i s elite group range from log., Lamb . Jun ior mathe· mO! les mo jor, Academic Affairs (hO lrman for the S.A., State president of SNEA. J unior class presi . dent, Junior class fovorite. Doug McBr ide Journalism rr': - editor of the Bi son , presidt'nt of A I~na Phi Gamma . scho larship a nd lea ckrshi" to se rv ice to th e college and promi se of fut.ur (' lI se fuln ess. Prefe rence is givr l1 to s(' ni o rs~ hut juni o rs \\" ho m erit cons ideration lTI ay 1)(' sr l rctC'd . This year fi ve juniors - John Black. Ronn Rubi o. Roger Lamb. Mark vVoodward and Da v id Youn g - qualifi ed to receive the honor. Majors from almost every depa rtment compromi se thi s we ll -ro\lnded g- I'OUp and 12 mcnlbers arc on the SA coun c il. Dione Holde r . Junior doss favorite, Homecoming Queen 1967, past Bison cheerleader, post Regina president. Sub-T queen. He len Howe ll . Elementary Education major, Secretory of the S.A.. Senior doss favori te, pas t Gata presiden t. Elaine Huddleston . . Violin major, Violinist for the Arkansas Symphony, tronsfe r from Oavid l ipscomb. 187