1967-1968 Yearbook

SA CABINET, fRONT ROW, J. Staton , D. Ho lde r,S, Deoy. SECOND ROW: C. Medeari s, M. Frampton, B. Howard. THIRD ROW: J. Pentecost, R. Te rry, D. Jones, R. lamb . L SA REPRESENTATIVES, fRONT ROW, C. Markham, J, Wort h. SECOND ROW; R. Harris, R. Davis. THIRD ROW: L Ro len, M . Walker . FOURTH ROW: R. Reeve, S. Hester. sponsor Bob Gi l liam utilizes his carving talents at the SA-sponsored watermelon party, slicing and serving generous to hungry students . The congenial professor participated actively in almost all of the SA activities during the year . 109