1967-1968 Yearbook

STUDENT ASSOCIATION SA revises Student Handbook, sets up council Hevision of the student hand book throu gh coopera ti on with Dean of Students Virg il Lawye r was one of th ~ first proj ec ts of the 196 7-68 Student Associ ati on admini stration . Other contribution s initi ated wpre th e fonnali on of a dorm counc il to se ,-ve as a li a iso n between th~ SA and th e students. and s tudi es made concerning th e impac t o f cnrol1 - ment, lec tureship and pledgewee k. An all -s tudent ques tion naire provided stati sti cs for th e studi es. Proj~cts continued from prev ious years included ori en ta ti on of new sludcnt s~ student leadership (,Ol1fcr(, I1 C(" 111 0vl(' progr am and scholarship aw a rn s In soc ial dub,;, Al so ser ving as a ll offi c ial par ty planner, th e SA direc ted student mixers. H omecoming 'Neek- ~nd , toy and dolly dri v~ for rhilclr~n 's hom~s amI the Chri stmas pa rty. Through l eadership cl eveloped by on -th e- job experi ence, th e stud ent assoc iati on served ca pably in hoth roles of problem-solver and party- plann er . STUDENT ASSOCIATION OFFICERS. David Young, Treasurer; Helen Howell, Secre tory; Gailyn Von Rheenen, Vice· President. 108 WORKING for a better Harding, President Mike O 'Neal directs many varied activities and programs with confidence and skil l. INTEREST, zeal and encouragemen t characterize Dr. Bob Gill iam as he a ss ists the Student Association to coordinate activi ties.