1964-1965 Yearbook

SELLING plast ic yearbook co....ers under a campus swing dur ing P.tlt Jean ded icat ion day, lynn Ree.... es offers co.... ers to students. , \ 1 I, EAGERNESS grows apparent on the faces of many Harding students, as a yearbook recei .... ing line forms by the bell tower for each to get on annual. DI. ATTEBUIY. recipient of the yearbook dedication, recei.... es the first copy from ·64 editor, Sandy Childers . ENDING a long year of hard work and reward, editor Sandy Childers dramatically un .... eils the '64 Petit Jean, which brought Harding AlI ·American honors far the fifth straight year. AGLOW wi th smiles bubbling from he r worm personali ty Sheila Mitchell radiates her ioy of be ing crowned queen . 90